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Su-Kam Falcon Eco Pure Sine Wave UPS

Product Brief: Su-Kam launched the countrys most economic Pure Sine Wave UPS, Falcon Eco. With a transfer time faster than an ordinary UPS, in-built automatic bypass technology and high crest factor, this UPS is ideal for areas that have low voltage problems since it is designed to ensure efficient battery charging at input voltage as []

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DKEM DK92 Metallization Paste

Product Brief: DK Electronic Materials Inc. (DKEM) launched a new generation of front-side metallization paste. DK92 series front-side metallization pastes have been developed to be compatible with different passivation technologies and processes for PERC solar cells, including ALD (spatial ALD, and time-based dual-side passivated ALD), PECVD (remote plasma and direct plasma) as well as other []

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Tamil Nadu Electricity Commission Adjourns Case on Solar Power Production

Welspun Renewables Energy Private Ltd., and others have approached the court with a similar prayer and the Commission has also been included as a party. Therefore, the case is adjourned till the disposal of the writ petitions, the TNERC said in its order. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Commission (TNERC) has adjourned the case relating to []

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Reliance Aims To Become Big Clean Energy Provider: Ambani

Reliance chairman said in the coming decades, the world will see a transition from fossil fuels to clean, green and renewable energy sources. Indias Reliance Industries Ltd will become a major provider of clean energy in the country, Chairman Mukesh Ambani said, as the South Asian nation transitions to renewable energy sources from fossil fuels. []

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By February 2018, PEC University Will Have Its Own Solar Tech Parks

Scholars will conduct research related to solar energy here. Solar energy will also be used for cooking. PEC deemed university will have a solar technology park on campus, which research scholars will use to conduct experiments. The solar tech park will be set up on 4,000 square feet land on the PEC campus by February, 2018. By []

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Probe on Surging Duty for Solar Cell Imports Began By Government

India is targeting to 100 GW solar capacity by 2022. The current installed capacity is about 15 GW. India began to probe to determine imposition of safeguard duty on surging imports of solar cells with a view to protect domestic manufacturers. Domestic manufacturers have approached the Directorate General of Safeguards (DGS) with a complaint that []

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US Announces $12 Million to Advance Early-Stage Solar Research

The funding for solar research will advance solar forecasting technologies in a coordinated way with partnerships between national labs, universities, and industry. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $12 million in new funding for eight projects to advance predictive modeling capabilities for solar generation. These models will lead to more accurate forecasts of solar []

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Ultimate Sun Systems Opens New Mumbai Office and Partners with ANB New and Renewable Energy

Ultimate Sun Systems will look to rely upon the experience and expertise from ANB New and Renewable Energy LLP to help the company spread its eco-friendly, energy efficient, and high-return solutions in the crucial Maharashtra region. Ultimate Sun Systems (USS), a renewable energy solutions company has announced the opening of a new office in Mumbai []

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