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Ensync Energy Sells PPA For 790-Kw Solar Project At Hawaii Residential Community

EnSync Energys modular technology approach also enables the residential complex to easily scale capacity in the future. EnSync Energy Systems, a developer of distributed energy resources (DERs), has announced the sale of a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for a 792-kW solar project for a residential community in Hawaii to an undisclosed buyer. The project []

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How India can Achieve Its Ambitious Renewable Energy Goals

India is one of the countries in the world which is blessed with more than 300 days of sunshine in a year and is aggressive towards becoming a solar superpower. The country is currently in process to meet its renewable energy goals. In 2010, the country launched National Solar Mission and made an ambitious target []

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Greenskies Energizes Solar Arrays At Four Trumbull Schools

In addition to the solar arrays, which were funded by Greenskies with no upfront cost, Trumbull invested approximately $6 million in LED retrofits, seven new building management systems, nine boiler-room renovations, and four building retrofits. Greenskies Renewable Energy LLC has completed the installation of solar arrays at four schools in Trumbull, Connecticut. The projects will []

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Egypts Solar Power Gets $102M Support from World Bank Agency

The Egyptian government is moving forward on a mega project that involves private sector companies building solar and wind plants under a FiT scheme. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a member of the World Bank Group has announced a guarantee of $102.6 million for the construction of six power plants in Egypt. The power []

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Dominion Energy Invests $1B in Solar

The Solar Energy Industries Association ranks Dominion Energy the sixth largest among U.S. electric utilities. More money is being invested into the solar industry by the renewable energy companies. Dominion Virginia Power parent company Dominion Energy is investing $1 billion in its solar fleet in Virginia and North Carolina, and now ranks among utilities with []

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Noteworthy & Old Aurora Building Has Installed Rooftop Solar Panels

The new solar power system is now supplying about 15 percent of the power needs at the site. The old Aurora Main Public Library building at 1 E. Benton St. downtown, now the home of The Support Companies technology group, has installed solar panels all along its roof. The work was done by crews from []

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General Electric Wants to Install Solar Panels in New York

The company is seeking site plan approval to install 2,300 panels at the research center campus off River Road, with the first phase consisting of 700 panels. General Electric Co. one of the leading power companies in the world wants to install solar panels at its Global Research Center in Niskayuna, New York. According to []

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This Brand-New City in Florida Will Rely Solely On Solar Energy

The new development calls itself Americas First Solar-Powered Town. Solar energy is being adopted by more and more cities all over the world. This time Babcock Ranch a newly built city in Southwest Florida will be the first totally ecological, self-sustaining place like it in the U.S. that will completely rely on solar []

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Worlds Biggest Solar Plant Achieves Essential Milestone in Development

The 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Plant in Nevada, the worlds first utility-scale solar warm power plantgloats that Auroras monstrous 1,100 megawatt-hours of capacity will give eight hours of full load control after dim. South Australiahome to the worlds biggest batteryis one bit nearer to likewise facilitating the worlds biggest solar warm power plant following []

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