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Green Energy Will Account For 40% of Total Energy Production in India, Says Harsh Vardhan  

Green energy, electricity produced from non-fossil fuel sources such as wind, solar power, and hydropower, will account for 40% of the total energy production in India As the country is leading the new initiatives in fighting climate change and greenhouse emission, it is also rapidly shifting from the conventional source of energy to clean energy. []

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EIB to Provide $11.75 Mn Loan for 34 MW Solar Project in Zambia

Further, the Zambian project is promoted by Enel company and will also be supported by loans from the IFC, World Bank Group member, and IFC-Canada Climate Change Program. European Union lender, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided up to USD 11.75 million loan to support the 34 MW Ngonye solar power plant in Zambia. Further, the Zambian []

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Bihar Planning to Have 2 GW Solar Power by 2022, says Sushil Modi

The state government is committed to producing 2000 MW (2 GW) of electricity through solar energy by 2022. The two power plants are slated to be commissioned by 2022 and each will produce 350MW of electricity using solar energy. As decided by the government of Bihar, the power plants situated at Pirpainti in Bhagalpur and Kajra []

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Financing Indian Sun

After out-passing teething troubles related to GST implementation, India firmly cements its place as the fastest growing major economy in the world by clocking GDP growth rate of 7.7 per cent during the January to March quarter of FY 18. India, being the Asias third-largest economy, clinched this position after surpassing Chinas 6.8 per cent []

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Westinghouse Loads Fuel in Second AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant

Westinghouse Electric Company and its customers, China State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) and Shangdong Nuclear Power Company Limited (SDNPC) announced that Haiyang Unit 1, the AP1000 nuclear power plant located in Haiyang, Shandong Province, China, has begun to load fuel. This is a great day for Westinghouse, our China partners and the nuclear industry. []

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Viz-A-Viz with Basant Jain, Chief Executive Officer, Mahindra Susten

Q. Being a major player in the solar space, how do you contribute towards Indias clean and green energy initiative? Mahindra Susten (Part of USD 20.7 Billion Mahindra group) is a leading player in the Cleantech space. It is amongst Indias top 2 companies providing turnkey EPC solutions for grid connected solar projects and has []

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Over 60 Cos Participated in MPs 28 MWp Rooftop Solar Project Pre-Bid Meet

Moreover, the bids will be submitted for the tender by July 9, and the financial bid will be opened on 19th July. More than sixty prospective bidders from across the country have participated in the 2nd pre-bid meeting for Madhya Pradeshs 28 MWp rooftop solar project. As per the Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (MPUVNL) []

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RK Singh Launches Campaign to Promote Energy Efficiency

Normal human body temperature is approximately 36-37 degree Celsius, but large number of commercial establishments, hotels and offices maintain temperature around 18-21 degree Celsius, Singh said. In a bid to reduce greenhouse gas emission, the Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R.K Singh has launched a campaign in New Delhi to promote the energy []

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Honda Installs Solar Energy System at its American Motor Campus

The installation, standing at 2.0 MW direct current, is Hondas one of the largest on-sight renewable energy installations anywhere in the world. Adding to the move of shifting from conventional source of energy to green energy, Honda in US has started a solar energy system at the American Honda Motor campus in Torrance, Calif. The []

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