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Sobha Carnation Inaugurates 69kWp Rooftop PV Plant along with Greenrays Enersol

Further, this project is taken up under PPA model, wherein entire investment is done by Greenrays Enersol and power is consumed captively by the society for common loads through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between both the entities. Taking another positive step towards going green, Sobha Carnation CHS, a reputed premier society in Kondhwa, Pune []

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Viz-A-Viz with S. K. SINGH, National Head (Solar), HPL Electric & Power Ltd

Q. Please tell our readers more about HPL and its products & services. HPL Electric & Power Limited (HPL) is an established player in the electrical equipment industry. Since 1957 onwards, the company has become well known brand in the switchgear manufacturing. HPLs product range is divided into four verticals namely Metering Solutions, Switchgears, []

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World Reaches 1TW of Wind and Solar; 2TW by 2023, says BNEF

According to the BNEF estimation, second terawatt of wind and solar will arrive by mid-2023 and cost 46 percent less than the first. The world has attained the landmark figure of 1,000 GW of wind and solar generation capacity installed, as per the Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) report. According to the BNEF estimation, second []

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REC Signs 200 mn Loan Agreement with Germanys KfW Bank

This is RECs fourth line of credit under Indo-German Development Cooperation which will be utilized to fund green energy projects in India. State-run entity responsible for financing rural infrastructural projects, Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) has signed a loan agreement with German bank KfW worth euro 200 million for funding renewable energy projects. This is RECs fourth line []

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Ikeas Hyderabad Store to use Solar-powered Rickshaws for Delivery

The solar powered auto rickshaws will be run by electric motors which will source energy from batteries which will be charged at the Ikeas solar facility fitted with around 4,000 rooftop solar panels. Excess energy will be used by the store inside. Sweden based MNC furniture and home accessories company, Ikea has opened its store []

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Mumbai to have 50 EV Charging Stations in 3 Months

All the 50 EV charging stations in Mumbai are expected to be ready for use in the next 3 months. Mumbai Government has awarded contract for developing its first 50 Electric Vehicles Charging Station to electric giant Solar Group, which will mark the start of its new electric vehicle policy. All the 50 EV charging []

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PFC Appoints PK Singh as Director-Commercial

Praveen had been placed as Executive Director- Projects and has worked in multiple units of the Projects division of the firm for over 24 years. State-run power sector lender, Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has appointed Praveen Kumar Singh as Director-Commercial of the company with effect from August 10. Before the director-commercial, Praveen had been placed []

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EVs and Self-driving Cars Soon to Ply on Dubai Streets

The strategy involves both short-term plans and urgent steps to be taken over the next 12 months, as well as long-term plans that look forward up to the year 2040. Dubais Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has approved new testing standards for electric, hybrid and self-driving vehicles in order to contribute in the development of []

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