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PROINSO, Joules Power Win Asian Power Award for Bangladeshs 28 MW Solar Project

PROINSO has completed this 28MWp project in Teknaf, Bangladesh in partnership with Joules Power (JPL). UK-headquartered PROINSO has won the Asian Power Award 2018 for the 28MWp utility scale project in Bangladesh under the category of Solar Power Project of the Year Bangladesh. PROINSO has completed this 28MWp project in Teknaf, Bangladesh in partnership []

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First assembly of ISA, Second ministerial of IORA and Second REINVEST meet to be held in India

Events to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to attend the event The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is organising the First Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA); the 2nd Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Renewable Energy Ministerial Meeting and the 2nd Global Renewable Energy Investment Meeting and []

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MSEDCL, Regulator to Consult Wind Power Players for Zone Disputes: Bombay HC

The high courts decision came out as a relief for the developers as it affirmed that the authority would make sure that the developers are heard before any decision is made regarding the reclassification of wind power zones. Bombay High Court has directed Maharashtras discom Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company (MSEDCL) and the states electricity []

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Solar Plants Seek Clarity on GST Rate

Solar plants industry seems to be divided with the developers and the manufacturers having distinct views on the advance ruling by the state advance ruling appellate. With Maharashtra and Karnatakas Advance Ruling authority pegging GST rate for solar plants at 18 percent and 5 percent respectively, the solar industry seems to be in a jam []

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Teamtechnik Presents Successful Adhesive Technology for HJT Cells

The STRINGER TT1600 ECA uses new adhesive technology and low process temperatures to join high-efficiency bifacial HJT (heterojunction) cells. This process reduces thermal and mechanical stress on the sensitive cells and results in a high string quality. teamtechnik, a worldwide technology leader in stringer systems for connecting solar cells, based in Germany, has developed the []

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Taiwan Talks India SGD with WTO

The global trade body has affirmed that the subject matter put up by Taiwan does not fall under its dispute settlement system. After India has imposed a safeguard duty on solar imports from China and Malaysia, Taiwan is second in row after Malaysia to seek consultations under World Trade Organizations Safeguard Agreement. However, the global []

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Renewsys Launches PV Module Wellness Programme

This unique and exclusive initiative launched by the companys Bengaluru division, will allow customers to test their PV modules at its Reliability Lab at no cost. RenewSys has launched a PV Module Wellness programme at the Renewable Energy Expo, Delhi. This unique and exclusive initiative launched by the companys Bengaluru division, will allow customers to test their []

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Opus Materials Led-Consortium to Develop Dirt-Repellent Coating for Solar Panels

Cutting edge technology underpinning a new industrial coating could alleviate water wastage in solar energy production Opus Materials Technologies, developers of industrial coatings based on materials by design principles, together with a consortium of academics and scientists, are set to transform solar energy generation through the development of a novel dirt-repellent coating for industrial-scale photovoltaic (PV) panels. []

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