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Tangedco Gets Approval to Float Solar and Wind Tenders

The tenders will be floated in December and the companies taking part in the bidding will have one year to commission the project. Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (Tangedco) has revieced an approval from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulation Commission (TNERC) float solar and wind power tender for the financial year 2018-19. The tenders []

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Radite Energy Bags 65 MW Project From Azure Power in Rajasthan

This is the fourth project which Radite Energy has bagged from Azure power. The previous projects were in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka. Radite Energy, a complete turnkey solution provider for solar energy in India, has secured 65 MW project in Bhadla, Rajasthan from Azure Power. This is the fourth project which Radite Energy has []

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MYSUN Waives Off Site Survey Fee Across Delhi- NCR

The campaign was launched on November 8, 2018 in which MYSUN is influencing Residential, Commercial and Industrial customers to go solar. MYSUN, Indias leading online solar rooftop company has announced the waiver of site surveys fee in order to encourage people to go solar. The initiative is to empower people in NCR to go green []

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Policy and Technology Helped Drive Solar Module Cost Down: Study

Policy support by respective governments has been touted as a major reason for this dramatic price drop With the price of solar energy becoming increasingly competitive each day, it is crucial to know why the cost of solar panels and solar energy storage have been dropping. This is what a team of researchers from Massachusetts []

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World Bank signs agreement with Jharkhand and Central government for a $310 million loan

The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new power transmission infrastructure To provide affordable, reliable and 24×7 electricity to the citizens of Jharkhand, the state and the central government have signed an agreement with the World Bank for a loan of $310 million. The Jharkhand Power System Improvement Project will help build new []

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Solar Industry Facing Some Challenge: Gyanesh Chaudhary

Ambiguity arising from the GST relates to the fact that it is still not clear whether solar projects will be categorized under the 5% tax bracket or 18% tax bracket. Implementation of Goods and Service Tax and imposition of safeguard duties are proving to be challenging for the solar industry in India, Gyanesh Chaudhary, MD []

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Instruments to Accelerate the Advent of Energy Storage in India

With all the buzz going around energy storage these days, very often than not it is claimed to be the holy grail of renewable energy. Owing to the intermittency and unpredictability in solar and wind generation, high degree of flexibility in Loads and Sources is needed by the electricity grid for absorbing renewable energy beyond []

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Solar Water Solutions, World Vision Launched SolarRO Unit in Kenya

The unit provides safe drinking water from saline water for some 710 people, including 410 children. The local community no longer has to fetch water over long distances. Humanitarian aid organization World Vision and Finnish water technology company Solar Water Solutions launched a fully solar-powered water purification unit in Tseikuru, Kitui County. The unit provides []

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