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Hungary Plans to Fully Rely on Renewable Energy by 2030

An estimated drop of 30% in the prices of photo-voltaic modules will give Hungary an opportunity to meet its renewable energy targets. Setting the right precedent, Hungary has announced that it aims to phase out the use of coal by 2030 and will be fully reliant on renewable energy for countrys energy needs. With a []

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Rooftop Solar: Democratising Power Generation One Roof at a Time

Rooftop solar was the fastest-growing segment within Indias renewable energy sector last year, but it is still not growing fast enough. Capacity adwdition in rooftop solar stood at around 870 megawatt (MW) in 2017, a far cry from the ambitious target of 5,000 MW for FY 2017-18. As of December 2017, cumulative rooftop solar installed []

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Haryana Government Offers Subsidy of Rs 15,000 on Solar Home Projects

This is done with a view to promote renewable energy in the state and achieving the solar energy target set under the national solar mission. Residents of Haryana are set to get a state subsidy of Rs 15,000 for installing Solar Home System under the Manohar Jyoti Yojana. The New and Renewable Energy Department has []

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Chennai Corporations Buildings to go Solar Under the Smart City Project

Working under the smart city initiative, government offices, schools, and hospitals under the Corporation will generate a total of 3.06 MW of electricity. Moving towards a sustainable future, Greater Chennai Corporation is going to provide electricity for 662 buildings under its ambit with the use of solar power. Working under the smart city initiative, government []

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Uttar Pradesh to Soon Start Installing Smart Meters

To be installed later in a phased manner, UPPCL had filed a petition seeking the approval of the regulatory commission for the installation of smart meters. Soon four million residents of Uttar Pradesh will get high tech smart meter, as the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has cleared Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltds petition regarding []

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UPERC Accepts NPCLs Response over Renewable Purchase Obligations

UPERC had initiated suo moto proceedings against NPCL and Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) for failing to submit the required information. The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) has accepted Noida Power Company Limiteds (NPCL) submission regarding meeting the past renewable purchase obligations (RPO) targets. UPERC had initiated suo moto proceedings against NPCL and []

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Luminous WiFi Enabled Smart Home Inverter, LED Bulbs

The company also launched Luminous Zelio WiFi, a wifi enabled inverter which can be connected to a smartphone with the Luminous app. Luminous recently launched products which are going to make your life a bit more awesome. Launching Indias first wall mounted smart power backup system having an innovative design, long life and no requirement []

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European Commission Approves 600 Million Euros in State Aid to French Solar Projects

The approval has been given under EU State aid rules which prohibits financial support by the government towards a business entity unless it is justified The European Commission has given its approval to a measure of providing stat sponsored financial support of 600 million euros innovative solar power installations in France. The approval has been []

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SUN Mobility Partners with SmartE for EV infrastructure

SUN Mobility is a leading provider of energy infrastructure and services for electric vehicles and SmartE is Indias largest electric vehicle fleet operator. SUN Mobility has announced a partnership with SmartE to deploy its universal energy infrastructure to support SmartEs growing EV operations. SUN Mobility is a leading provider of energy infrastructure and services for []

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