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Swelect Gets BIS Certification for Solar PV Modules

The achievement marks yet another milestone in the companys journey of solar manufacturing excellence, adding to its 30 years of experience in energy and power conditioning systems. Solar modules maker Swelect Energy Systems, formerly known as Numeric Power Systems, has received certification from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for its solar photovoltaic (PV) modules []

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NEPCO Gets $265 Mn EBRD Loan to Bolster Jordans Renewable Energy

The loan will strengthen NEPCOs balance sheet through refinancing of existing short-term debt and will fund vitally needed investments to enhance the capability of the grid to absorb and manage renewable power. Multilateral developmental investment lender European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide a USD 265 million loan to Jordans National Electric Power []

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EBRD to Pump 15 Mn for Green Infrastructure in Romanias Craiova

The move will benefit around three lakh people of the city. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be providing 15 million long-term loan to pump key urban projects in Craiova city of Romania. The move will benefit around three lakh people of the city. The Bank will finance the rehabilitation of 14 public buildings []

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COP24: Katowice Partnership for E-Mobility Launched

It was already joined by 38 countries from 5 continents, as well as international organisations, representing over 1500 cities and regions, but also 1200 companies. Among the initiatives promoted by Poland during the United Nation Climate Summit COP24 in Katowice, the Driving Change Together Katowice Partnership for Electromobility has a fundamental place. The []

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NTPC Wins 85 MW in UPNEDAs 550 MW Solar Tender

The company has won the tender for grid-connected solar projects in the reverse auction held on December 3, 2018 for 25 years. NTPC, Indias largest energy conglomerate, has won 85 MW of solar capacities under Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agencys (UPNEDAs) 550 MW solar tender. The company has won the tender for []

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Jinergys HJT Solar Modules Qualified for DEWA Programme

Further, the listed products of the company are JNHM60 (275W to 310W) and JNHM72 (330W to 370W) solar modules featuring leading temperature coefficient of -0.27%/°C, excellent performance in weak light, and ultra-low degradation. The HJT (Heterojunction) solar modules manufactured by Jinneng Photovoltaic Technology, an arm of Jinergy, are listed in equipment meeting eligibility requirements for DEWA []

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BlackRock Sells 14 French Solar Projects to International Consortium

The move will mark the first realization for BlackRocks renewable power platform and offers Samsung, Samchully AMC and Schroders an attractive foothold into the European renewables power market. BlackRock Real Assets has reached an agreement with the Consortium of Samsung Securities as the financial investor, Samchully Asset Management as the asset manager with Schroder AIDA []

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Power Cable Alliance Launched to Advocate Need for Quality Electrical Infrastructure in India

Today, India witnessed the start of a movement for quality infrastructure with the launch of Power Cable Alliance (PCA). Two Copper Rod Manufacturers, Eight Indian leading Power Cable manufacturers & One International Power Cable entity have come together to form PCA. PCA is an association of organizations and individuals which will work together to []

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Tariff Drops Further in Uttar Pradesh Solar Project Auction

The lowest price for the bid was quoted by National Thermal Power Corporation at Rs 3.04 per unit; NTPC won 85 MW of the capacity. A commissioning deadline of 21 months has resulted in refreshingly low winning tariff in an solar project auction by the UP New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA). The 500 []

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