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Silverpeak Launches Renewable Investment arm to Finance Green Projects

The investment arm will be run by Santosh Raikarwho has joined Silverpeak as the strategys managing partner. Ramping up the investment platforms for renewable energy, enewable Investment armsak Renewables Investment Partners will provide an opportunity to institutional investors to invest in renewable technologies such as wind, solar and in the area of energy storage. The []

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Greenbacker Renewable Energy Buys 10.8 MW portfolio From Sol Systems

The two projects, Project Blue Star and Project Phoenix, which are collectively known as the the Phoenix Solar Portfolio, are located in Kent County and Prince Georges County, Maryland. Greenbacker Renewable Energy has announced today that it has purchased the rights to a 10.8 MW portfolio of two solar projects from Sol Systems. The two []

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MNRE Plans to Bid 60 GW of Solar Capacity by the Year 2020

Projects worth each 30 GW solar power and 10 GW wind power capacity would be bid out each in the year 2018-19 & 2019-20. To meet the target of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy by the year 2022, the Ministry of New and Renewable energy aims to issue tenders for 60 GW of solar []

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Desert to Power Initiative to Provide Solar Electricity to Sahel Region

Tapping in the vast solar energy potential of the region, the initiative is slated to provide green electricity including in some of the worlds poorest countries. In a bid to eradicate energy poverty for 250 million people in the Sahel region of Africa, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is spearheading the Desert to Power Initiative []

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Tata Power Launches New Site Portal for Enhanced Customer Engagement

According to the company press release, Customer feedback about our existing portal has been a key input towards designing the new portal. Tata Power is launching a new and innovative customer portal, designed to augment engagement with its customers by providing a dynamic and user-friendly experience exceeding industry standards. According to the company press release, []

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Mahindra Partners with SmartE to launch Mahindra Treo and Treo Yaari Electric Three Wheeler

The two leading companies in the electric mobility market have come together, to offer convenient, affordable and zero-emission last-mile connectivity. Driving electric mobility forward in India, Mahindra Electric Mobility has partnered with SmartE to  launch first 1,000 Mahindra Treo and Treo Yaari electric three wheeler in Delhi-NCR by March 2019. The company also plans to []

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Waaree Energies Launches Indigenously Developed Light-Weight Modules

Overcoming the limitations posed by heavy glass modules, WLW modules are easy to install and can highly benefit the transportation sector in India. Taking the indigenous development of solar modules ahead, Waaree Energies has launched the customizable Waaree Light-Weight (WLW) Modules. The indigenous modules can be customised to any shape and colour. Overcoming the limitations []

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World Bank and AFD to launch Global Solar Risk Mitigation Initiative

The SRMI is an integrated approach aimed it tackling policy, technical and financial issues, which are associated with scaling up solar energy initiatives. Keeping in line with international Solar Alliances ambition of promoting solar energy among member states, the World Bank and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) are developing a joint Global Solar Risk Mitigation []

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Solar Energy Production in the year 2018-19 was 21.365 Billion Units

Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has reported that the total solar energy production in the year 2018-19 was 21.365 Billion Units (BUs), as on 31.10.2018. The year-wise details of solar energy production since, 2015 are given as under: S. No Year Generation from Solar Projects (BUs) 1. 2015-16 7.448 2. 2016-17 13.499 3. 2017-18 25.871 []

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