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MAHAGENCO Invites EoI for 10 MW floating Solar Project

MAHAGENCO will enter a 25 year power purchase agreement with the developer and will provide the area at the reservoir. Maharashtras energy producer, Maharashtra State Power Generation Company (MAHAGENCO) has recently invited an expression of interest for the development of a 10 MW grid-connected floating solar power plant at the in Nashik district at Upper []

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LPU Students Create Solar Powered Driverless Bus

The first prototype of the bus will be used to ferry PM Narendra Modi to the Indian Science Congress venue which will be held in LPU. In a proud development, students from various department of Lovely Professional University (LPU) have recently designed and built a driverless car which is powered using solar energy. The first []

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CleanMax Solar Bags Star of The Industry Award

CleanMax Solar has won this award due to its efforts to help corporates and social institutions achieve their sustainability aspirations. CleanMax solar, was awarded the Star of The Industry Award 2018 under the category of Best Green Energy Efficiency Initiative and its founder and managing director, Mr. Kuldeep Jain, has been awarded under the category []

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Viz-A-Viz with Dr. Avishek Kumar, Director, Sunkonnect

Q. To begin with, please tell our readers more about Sunkonnect and its offerings and key specialities? Sunkonnect is a global renewable energy management consulting firm based in Singapore. We work with system owners, developers, EPC players and manufacturers in making significant and longlasting improvements to their systems, products and processes. Our team has over []

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BHELs Solar Plant Thrown Off-Track by Rallies and Functions

Roughly three years ago BHEL had chalked out a plan to reduce the energy dependency on fossil fuels and had planned to install a 10 MW solar plant. Jambooree Maidan, which was the proposed site for a 10 MW solar park to be brought up by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), has been hijacked by []

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Uttar Pradesh to be 100% Electrified by December 31

UP is among one of the states which still has a large chunk of the population yet to get an electricity connection under the Saubhagya scheme. Uttar Pradesh is all set to provide electricity to the entire population of the state, Uttar Pradesh power minister Srikant Sharma said. UP is among one of the states []

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Sterlite Power Bags $600 Mn Transmission Project in Brazil

The project will require an investment of USD 0.6 billion over the period of next 3-5 years in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, south region of the country. In the recently concluded auction for the transmission projects in Brazil, Sterlite Power has emerged as the winner for the prestigious project. The project will []

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Indias Energy Needs to Triple by 2040: World Bank

In fiscal 2018, when total installed capacity was more than twice the amount of peak demand, peak demand shortage still registered 2.1% in India,World Bank said. Energy demand in India will grow 30% between 2018 and 2040, a new report by the World Bank titled Dark: How Much Do Power Sector Distortions Cost South Asia []

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GST on Renewable Products Slashed to 5%

Prior to this clarification, solar power developers were paying tax at the rate of 18% which had become a sticking point in the industry. Solar Industry is in a state of relief after the GST council clarified that the devices and parts related to renewable energy will be taxed a 5% while the services related []

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