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Bids for 8 GW Wind Power Finalised: RK Singh

As on date, the bids for setting up of wind power projects of aggregate 8389.90 MW capacity have been finalized through SECI and NTPC. Taking giant leaps in the renewable energy secto0072, bids for setting up of wind power projects of aggregate 8389.90 MW capacity have been finalised through Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) []

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NCLT Allows Demerger of Emamis Power and Cement Business

In the petition filed with NCLT, Emami pegged that the demerger will bring strength to each business with a focused and individual attention. National Company Law Tribunals Kolkata bench has recently approved the demerger of Emamis solar power business, Emami Power, from its cement business, Emami Cement Limited. A petition was filed by the Indian []

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JinkoSolar Developing 60 MW Solar Farm in Cambodia

The solar farm will use more than 200,000 solar modules from JinkoSolar, and will add significantly to Cambodias growing renewable capacity. JinkoSolar, a reputable solar module manufacturer in the world, has announced that it is working with SchneiTec Group, a Cambodian real estate developer to build a 60 MW solar farm in Kampong Speu province, []

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Sungrow Conducts Solar Inverter Technical Workshop in CSR Initiative

With the share of renewable energy in the overall generation mix rising across India, there are 300,000 job openings in the solar sector. Sungrow, a leading inverter supplier for renewables, conducted a series of Solar Inverter Technical CSR workshops in India, which are aimed to provide a platform for the students to share creative insights []

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Fully Solar Powered Park to Open in Beijing

The park is located in Beijings Haidian district and uses solar collectors on the roof of buildings and its solar stations can charge four mobile phones. Putting up the solar energy milestones on display, Beijing is constructing an energy park in which almost every facility will be powered using solar energy. Spread in an area []

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Bids for setting up of Wind Power Projects of over 8000 MW Capacity Finalised

The wind power projects in the country are installed on the basis of commercial viability through tariff based competitive bidding process. As on date, the bids for setting up of wind power projects of aggregate 8389.90 MW capacity have been finalised through Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd. (SECI) and National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. []

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3,217 Million US$ received as FDI in Renewable Energy Sector

Renewable Energy Capacity reaches about 74GW as on 30/11/2018 The FDI data cell of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) compiles and maintains the data of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Equity inflow received in the country. The FDI equity inflow from April, 2015 to June, 2018 in the Non-Conventional Energy Sector is as []

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HALs 2 MW Rooftop Solar Project in Telangana Gets Approval

According to net-metering regulations in Telangana, the state authorities undertake solar power plants on net metering up to 1 MW. The Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC) in its recent order has approved the construction of a solar rooftop project of 2 MW capacity at Hindustan Aeronautics Limiteds Telangana premise. The ruling came after HAL []

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Haryana to Test Solar Powered Drip Irrigation System

The solar powered drip irrigation project was made possible by generous farmers who have pro-bono given 9 acres of their land for a field experiment. After successfully utilizing water efficient technology in the cultivation of paddy, the Command Area Development Authority (CADA) is now planning to streamline wheat irrigation by testing drip irrigation using solar []

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