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New Water Splitting Catalyst Could Make it Easier to Generate Solar Fuel

Water splitting, the process of harvesting solar energy to generate energy-dense fuels, could be simplified thanks to new research. A Research team, led by Louis Piper, Associate Professor of Physics, Binghamton University and researchers from Diamond Light Source and Brookhaven National Laboratory, figured out how doping (or adding metal ions) into vanadium pentoxide (M-V2O5) nanowires raises the []

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New Aspirations with New Year!

The New Year 2019 is ready to be kicked off with all new power promises and aspirations with the rising of the new sun. Everybody in the solar industry is also expecting that this New Year will achieve far greater milestones as compared to the previous year. They also hope, the New Year will bring []

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Toyota Panasonic JV To Manufacture Electric Vehicle Batteries in 2020

Toyota is to hold a 51 percent majority stake with Panasonic owning the rest. Japanese firms, Toyota Motor and Panasonic plan to set up a joint venture in 2020 to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles, joining forces to compete more effectively on cost and scale with rising Chinese players in a key area for the future of []

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Google Signs First Solar Purchase Deal in Asia

The worlds largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy has signed a long-term agreement to purchase the output of a 10 MW solar array (part of a larger solar farm) in Tainan City, Taiwan. Google has announced that after signing on to more than 30 solar and wind projects across the Americas and Europe, it has []

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Wood Mackenzie Lists 10 Trends that Will Shape the Global Solar Market this Year

There is over 63 GW of single-developer mega project capacity (500 MW+) in the global pipeline, 84% of which is comprised of projects in pre-construction phases. In a new report, authored by its analysts Tom Heggarty and Benjamin Attia, consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie has charted the top ten trends that will shape the global solar market []

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Adani Issues RfS for Purchase of 700 MW of Solar Power

The last date of bid-submission is February 12, 2019, and the technical bids will open on the same day. Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited, in order to fulfill its Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), has issued a Request for Selection (RfS) for the procurement of power through competitive bidding from 350 MW grid-connected solar photovoltaic projects with []

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CleanMax Solar Conferred Best Solar Power Turnkey Solutions in India

CFI Magazines Clean Energy Award recognises the highest levels of achievement in energy and environmental sustainability. CleanMax Solar, one of Indias most trusted sustainability partner for corporates, was conferred the Best Solar Power Turnkey Solutions India 2018 award by UK based Capital Finance International (CFI) Magazine. CleanMax Solar was recognised for its pioneering efforts []

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Govt Looking to Float 5 GW Manufacturing-Linked Solar Tender Again

Most of the large industry players stayed away from the tender. And now, the government plans to cancel the previous bids and start fresh bidding on the project. The Government is planning to float the infamous 5 GW manufacturing-linked solar tender for a second time, after scrapping the results from the first issue. Solar Energy []

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BHEL Issues Tender for Procuring Junction Box for Solar PV Modules

The last date of bid submission is February 7, 2019, and the bids will open on the same date. Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) has issued a tender inviting bid from eligible firms for the supply of junction boxes for solar PV modules. As a part of the pre-pre-qualification criteria, bids only from original junction []

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