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Tata Power Solars Residential Rooftop Solution Now in Bangalore

Tata Power Solar has launched a residential rooftop solution in Bangalore after a successful debut in Delhi, Mumbai, Ajmer, Bhubaneswar and Gandhinagar.   Tata Power Solar, one of Indias largest solar energy company, has now launched its complete residential rooftop solution in Bangalore. The residential rooftop solutions are expected to save up to Rs 50,000 []

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Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Inaugurates 8.4 MW Wind Energy Plant

Aiming for self-reliance in power, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited has unveiled its new 8.4 wind power plant. Contributing towards green energy production and to achieve self-reliance in electricity power requirement, Mr. R Madhavan, CMD-HAL inaugurated an 8.4MW wind energy power plant near Ilkal in Bagalkot district (Karnataka). The power generated from this plant would be used []

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Egypt Building One of the Worlds Largest Solar Parks

The park on completion will house 32 power stations across the 37 sq. km. site and will be able generating close to 1,650 MW of electricity. One of the worlds largest and most ambitious solar energy projects is underway at a site in the Western Desert, some 650 km south of Cairo. The Benban Solar []

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IKEA Store to Be Equipped with Solar Rooftop and EV Charging Stations

This installation will represent the 56th solar project for IKEA in the U.S., and contribute to the companys solar presence atop nearly 90% of its U.S. locations, with a total generation of more than 56 MW. IKEA, the worlds leading home furnishings retailer, has announced that its future store in Norfolk, Virginia in the US []

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Facebook Signs Virtual PPA for 80 MW of Solar Power

Under the agreement, Digital Realty has executed a long-term renewable power purchase contract to secure approximately 80 MW of solar power capacity for Facebook to power its Virginia Data Center. Digital Realty, a leading global provider of data center, colocation and interconnection solutions, has announced the signing of a virtual power purchase agreement on behalf []

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Tamil Nadu Planning to Bid Out 250 MW Floating Solar Projects

The department is looking to bid out for projects worth 100 MW, 100 MW and 50 MW at the Mettur Dam, Bhavanisagar Dam, and the Vaigai Dam respectively. The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Company (Tangedco) is planning to float bids for setting up floating solar plants on three dam reservoirs in the State. Floating []

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From MW to GW: A Change that Describes Indias Solar Journey Since 2014

Every industry evolves its own jargon as it grows. In solar industry in India, the biggest change has been the shift in the language used to express deal sizes and ambition today. Megawatts (MW) to Gigawatts (GW) is a game changer. It was an innocuous looking invite, like many the editorial team receives each day. []

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Govt to Launch Technology Centres on Solar Energy in Chennai

The DST-IITM Solar Energy Harnessing Centre will focus on a wide range of research and technology development activities such as silicon solar cells that promise high efficiency and are suited for Indian conditions. The Department of Science and Technology is launching three technology centres in Chennai. The three centres will be located at the Indian []

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Growth in Renewable Energy Investment Slowing Due to Grid Limitations: IEEFA

An investment of US$ 60-80 billion will be needed in the next five years to keep pace with growing generation capacity. A brief report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, authored by Tim Buckley and Kashish Shah has revealed that Indias grid transmission infrastructure needs urgent modernisation to not limit the growth []

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