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Cab Aggregators Urged to Launch Electric Taxis in Gujarat

Gujarat government has asked cab companies to launch electric taxis in the state, to align with the states planned EV push and new electric vehicle policy. The Gujarat Government has asked cab aggregators the likes of Uber and Ola to launch electric taxis in the state. As the government plans for a big push for []

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AfDB Approves $25 Mn Fund For Renewable Energy Projects in Africa

The Funds strategy is to prioritize projects with a clear timeline to financial close, with emphasis on de-risking early stage greenfield projects. The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has approved an equity investment of up to $25 million in ARCH Africa Renewable Power Fund (ARPF), a US$ 250 million private equity fund for renewable energy []

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UAEs Yellow Door Energy Raises $65 Million

The investment comes from IFC, Mitsui, Equinor, APICORP and Adenium and will be used to expand distributed solar and energy efficiency solutions into new markets. Yellow Door Energy, a UAE-based leading solar developer, announced that it has raised $65 million in Series A financing to scale its investments in solar energy and energy efficiency solutions []

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Tender for Geo-Technical Study of 500 MW Kadaladi Solar Park to Close on Jan 31

The last date for bid-submissions is January 31, 2019. And the bids will open on the same day I.e. January 31, 2019. The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) has issued a tender for conducting geotechnical testing for the establishment of its 500 MW Kadaladi Solar Park in the Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu. []

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NISE Extends Deadline for Tender for Probe Holder Assembly for Contacting Solar Cells

The last date of bid-submissions has been extended from January 25, 2019, to February 1, 2019, as per the new notification. The National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued a notification for the extension in the deadline for bid-submissions for its tender. []

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MNRE Seeks Suggestions on Draft Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules

The ministry has provided a timeline until  February 25, 2019, for interested stakeholders to submit their suggestions. The National Offshore Wind Energy Policy provides only a basic framework for the development of offshore wind energy in the country. And now the Ministry has opened its new Draft Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules for comments/suggestions/views from []

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SolarMaxx Celebrates 10 Years of Excellence

SolarMaxx is celebrating 10 years of its continued mission of delivering highly efficient, clean energy systems. It is celebrating the hundreds of customers across India who had been empowered in the last decade to rethink their energy strategy, reduce energy expenses and transform how they do business by switching to clean energy. The company is []

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SECI Issues Tender for 3 GW Solar Linked with 1.5 GW Manufacturing

The detailed RfS document will be available for download from 18:00 hrs on January 30, 2019. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a tender for selection of solar power developers for setting up of a 3 GW ISTS connected solar PV power plant linked with setting up of 1.5 GW (per annum) solar []

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Viz-A-Viz with Ashit Maru, Co-founder, MYSUN

Quality Manufacturing and Easy Financing Needs Serious Attention Local manufacturing and the quality standards of local make has to be addressed and scaled-up as well, if we are to see any major boost as a manufacturing hub for rooftop solar. Quality manufacturing and easy financing are the two factors that have to be taken very []

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