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Sungrow Shipments to India Hits 3 GW

Sungrow has crossed the 3 GW mark for inverter shipments in India, and the company claims to have contracts signed and ready for the shipment of another 1 GW of inverters soon. Sungrow, one of the leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, recently announced that it has surpassed 3GW of inverter shipments, announcing it is accelerating []

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Pre-Bid Meeting Notification For 50 MW Solar Tender at Kerala

The Pre-Bid/clarification meeting will be held on February 27, 2019. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a pre-bid meeting notification for its tender for setting up a 50 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at the Kasargod Solar Park in Kerala. As per the notification, a Pre-Bid/clarification meeting shall be organized at city heights commercial []

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MNREs Rs 175.87 Cr RE Research and Technology Development Programme Renewed

The President of India has given his approval for the continuation of the Renewable Energy Research and Technology Development (RETD) program of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for implementation during 2017-18 and 2019-20 at the cost of  Rs 175.87 crore. The scheme aims at scaling up R&D effort for Renewable Energy Research []

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Tender For 5 MW Rooftop Solar Issued in Maharashtra

The last date of bid submission is February 26, 2019. The Public Works Department (PWD) of Amravati has issued a tender inviting bid for the selection of developers to set up cumulative 5 MW of solar capacity rooftop projects at various places distributed in 12 electrical divisions and approximately 309 rest houses in different districts []

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Wind Now Provides 14% of Europes Electricity 

Wind energy provided 14% of the EUs electricity last year, up from 12% in 2017, according to statistics released by WindEurope. Wind power capacity rose in Europe by 11.3 GW in 2018. Continued growth in capacity and the use of more powerful turbines are helping to drive up winds share in the electricity mix. Denmark []

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Viz-A-Viz with Neelesh Garg, Director | Saatvik Green Energy

Sustainability of the Industry is in Question I feel its unhealthy competition, which is driving the entire industry into a black hole. It starts right from the developers, to goes down till the manufacturer of small components. Sustainability of the industry is in question, because if people start using sub-standard products to match the cost, []

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New Solar Power Program to Help Electrify Rural Communities in Afghanistan

The initiative is designed to provide electricity to some of the nearly 20 million Afghans who are not connected to the national power grid.  IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has launched a pioneering program to supply small-scale solar power systems to homeowners across Afghanistan. The pilot program will see the introduction of []

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World Banks IFC to Invest $75 Mn in AC Energys Green Bond

The proceeds from the AC Energy green bonds will be used to finance the companys plans for up to 5GW of renewable energy projects in East Asia and Pacific. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, will invest $75 million in the first-ever listed green bond issued by AC Energy Finance International Limited and []

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NISE Issues Tender For Fire Test Apparatus For SPV Modules

The last date of bid submission is March 8, 2019. The National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued a tender for Fire tests, spread of flame and burningbrand tests apparatus set up for Solar PV Modules at its campus in Gurgaon. The []

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