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Germany Met 65% of its Weekly Energy Demands From Renewables 

Maintaining the trend of renewables regularly crossing the 50% mark, last week saw them supply 65% of power in Germany. Renewable energy made up 64.8% share of electricity generation in Germany last week, according to solar research institute Fraunhofer ISE. The achievement was mainly due to strong production from wind facilities. You must be wondering []

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UK Augments Funding for African RE Projects by £30 million

Harriett Baldwin, the UK Minister for Africa, announced additional new funding to give more people and companies across Africa access to affordable, clean energy. Minister Ms. Harriett Baldwin announced that the new funding will see £30 million added to the Transforming Energy Access program, taking total British investment to £100 million, and allowing it to []

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RfS For 1200 MW Solar Power Projects Released (ISTS-IV)

The maximum tariff payable to the Project Developer is fixed at Rs 2.65/ kWh for 25 years. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has released the detailed Request for Selection (RfS) document for selection of solar power developers (SPDs) for setting up of 1200 MW ISTS Connected Solar Power Projects (ISTS-IV) on a pan []

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MNRE Seeks Suggestions on Draft Guidelines For Installation of Solar Pumps/Plants By Farmers

Stakeholders have until March 22, 2019, to send their comments/ suggestions/ views on the draft guidelines. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued a notice inviting suggestions and comments from stakeholders on the draft guidelines for implementation of the scheme for farmers for installation of solar pumps and grid-connected solar power plants. []

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Reliance Issues EoI For Procurement of Renewable Power

The last date for bid submission is March 25, 2019. Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has invited Expression of Interest (EoI) for procurement of renewable energy from Generators, IPPs, DISCOMS, CPPs & Traders having valid Inter/Intra State Trading License issued by CERC or SERC for interstate and/or intrastate trading of energy for meeting its RPO. The []

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MNRE Introduces New Mode-7 For Development of RE Parks

A Payment Security Mechanism will be set up by SECI to ensure continuous payment to the power developers and mitigate any payment risk due to default in payment by Discoms. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in order to address the two most critical elements when developing a renewable energy project/park has issued []

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100MW Solar-Fishery Plant Takes the Lead with Huawei 1500V Smart PV Solution

Multipurpose use of land increases both the agriculture and fishery revenue and improves the integrated utilisation efficiency of land. The Sihong 100MW PV project, a solar-fishery plant constructed by SPIC Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd. in China has taken a step towards the lead in grid-tied power generation, with the use of the most advanced Huawei []

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Maharashtra Issues Tender For 184 MW Solar Projects for AG Feeders

The last date for bid submission is April 16, 2019. The Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MAHAGENCO) has issued a tender inviting online bids for the development of 184 MW of grid-interactive solar PV power plants at various locations in the state. The successful bidder will also have to provide operations and maintenance (O&M) for 25 []

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