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REC Sales Drop Again, Down 65% in April to 3.68 Lakh

Sales of renewable energy certificates dropped by about 65 percent to 3.68 lakh units in April as compared to 10.62 lakh in the same month last year. Sales of renewable energy certificates dropped by about 65 percent to 3.68 lakh units in April as compared to 10.62 lakh in the same month last year due []

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Golden Concord Arm Gets Shingled Solar Modules Patent in Australia

This will further enhance patent portfolio of Golden Concord Arm GCL System. One of the leading one-stop intelligent and integrated energy system providers GCL System Integration Technology Co. Ltd (GCL System) has received a patent for its shingled solar cell modules from IP Australia. This will further enhance patent portfolio of Golden Concord Arm GCL System. The []

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Suzlon Retains Top Position Among Wind Equipment Manufacturers in India

Like in the previous year, in 2017-18 too, Suzlon became the leading original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in India. Among the wind equipment manufacturers in India, Suzlon installed the most in FY 2018-19 with 581 MW, followed by Denmark based wind energy company Vestas with 492 MW, while Siemens Gamesa installed about 261 MW, according to []

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World Banks New Program to Accelerate Sustainable Cooling in Developing Countries

The program will provide technical assistance to ensure that efficient cooling is included in new World Bank Group investment projects and mobilize further financing. The World Bank has announced a new program to accelerate the uptake of sustainable cooling solutions, including air conditioning, refrigeration and cold chain in developing countries. The program will provide technical []

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NTPC Floats Tender For O&M of 10 MW Solar Plant at Unchahar Facility

The last date for bid submissions is May 10, 2019. NTPC Ltd. has issued a tender, seeking bids from eligible companies to provide Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services for its 10 MW solar PV power plant under operation at its Unchahar facility in Uttar Pradesh. The scope of work for the selected bidders will include []

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Caffeine Improves Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells

A team of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles have discovered that caffeine can be a promising alternative to make traditional solar cells more efficient at converting light to electricity. The latest research which began as a cafeteria joke over morning coffee led to this unusual solution. One day, as we were discussing []

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Fortums Q1 Profits Hurt by Lower Hydro Volumes

Finlands utility Fortum reported its operating profit grew merely by 1 percent to EUR 408 million during the January-March quarter of 2019, on the back of positive effect of improved prices offset by lower hydro volumes. The company has reported an operating profit of EUR 405 million during the same quarter last year. Commenting on []

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Interview with Pawan Pandey, Director | Radite Group

Radite Mulls Entry Into Electric Vehicle Charging Segment We have serious plans for entering the EV charging segment, and have already done a lot of groundwork in this regards. We are very hopeful of establishing our first station in first quarter itself, says Pawan Pandey, Director, Radite Group, one of the fastest growing companies in []

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US Wind Pipeline Grew by 6.14 GW in the Q1 2019: Report

A burst of new wind farm announcements in the first quarter of 2019 propelled the total volume of U.S. wind power construction and development activity to a record level according to the newly released U.S. Wind Industry First Quarter 2019 Market Report.  The American Wind Energy Associations (AWEA) report reveals that U.S. project developers announced new wind []

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