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Rooftop Solar the Key to Indias 175 GW Renewables Target: Report

The report estimates that for the next three years, solar rooftop installations will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 50 percent, suggesting a cumulative 13 GW of installed capacity by FY2021-22. Rooftop solar is the fastest growing renewable energy sub-sector in India but installations must rapidly accelerate if the nation is to meet []

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JinkoSolar Supplies 88.5 MW of PV Modules For Colombian Solar Power Plant

JinkoSolar has completed the delivery of its 345 Watt PV modules for one of Colombias largest PV project. JinkoSolar, a leading solar module manufacturer in the world, has announced that it has supplied 250,000 Pieces of 345Watt 1500V monocrystalline standard modules for one of the largest solar power plant in Colombia to date which was recently []

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SunShare Commissions 8.2 MW Community Solar Project in Minnesota

The two community projects in Saint Michael and Zumbro Falls, Minnesota, consisting of six total community solar gardens, which will serve approximately 1,200 households SunShare, a community solar expert, has announced that its SaintSun and ZumbroSun community solar projects have been commissioned and are now operational. Owned and operated by SunShare, the SaintSun (6.9 MWdc) []

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Solar Energy to Power Humanitarian Hub in South Sudan by 2020

The partners are anticipating some 1,900 solar panelscapable of creating up to 700-kilowatts of powerwill be installed around the perimeter of the Hub by December 2019. Thanks to a new private sector collaboration linking Scandinavia to Sub-Saharan Africa, a Norwegian company will be helping the International Organization for Migration (IOM) harness solar energy to power []

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EVgo To Run the Largest Fast Charging Network in the US on 100% RE

EVgo, the largest public electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging network in the U.S, has announced that it has contracted for 100 percent renewable energy to power its customers, becoming the first EV charging network in the United States to do so. EVgo has contracts with its energy suppliers and renewable energy certificate (REC) partners to ensure []

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Belectric Commissions Two Rooftop Projects Worth 26 MW For Cleantech Solar

Germany-based  Belectric has taken a step further in increasing its footprint in Indias ever-growing solar industry by completing two large-scale PV rooftop projects for Cleantech Solar. With a combined capacity of 26 MWp, the solar power plants are amongst Asias largest rooftop installations. The projects were developed by Cleantech Solar, the regional leader in solar []

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Solar Powered Desalination Could Bring a Revolution in Irrigation

While conventional CDI uses mains power, UNSW researchers have developed prototypes powered by solar energy. Agriculture relies heavily on groundwater and this source of water is rapidly becoming increasingly saline across the world, making it non-viable for agricultural purposes. To combat this issue and make fresh water readily available to the farming sector irrespective of []

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LONGi 72 Bifacial Half Cell Module Hits Record with 450W Front-Side Power

One of the leading solar module manufacturers in the world, LONGi has announced that the front side power of its 72-cell Bifacial half-cut module exceeded 450W, achieving one of the worlds highest power in this module type. This new record was tested and verified by renowned certification agency TÜV-SÜD. This marked another successful feat for []

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Siemens Gamesa Has Record Order Backlog of 23.6 Bn in First Half of 2019

Net income amounted to 67 million in the first half, compared to 0 million in the same period last year, and to 49 million in the second quarter, an increase of 40 percent YoY. Spanish renewable energy major Siemens Gamesa has reported the results of the first half (October-March) and second quarter (January-March) for the []

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