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SECI Extends Deadline For 2 GW Solar Projects Tender Under CPSU-II

The deadline bid submission has been extended by SECI till July 2, 2019. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has extended the deadline for bid submission on its tender for selection of solar power developers for setting up of 2000 MW grid-connected solar PV power projects in India (Tranche-I) under CPSU Phase-II scheme (Government Producer Scheme).  The []

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MNRE Invites Proposals For Development of Gravity Storage Projects

The specific objective of the proposal is to develop a prototype system integrating renewable energy with gravity storage. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has been supporting a research programme on different aspects of renewable energy and energy storage. With an increasing share of renewables, there would be a requirement of Energy Storage []

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Fortum and Skellefteå Kraft Restructure Stakes in 2 Swedish Wind Farms

Fortum and Skellefteå Kraft are to restructure their ownership in the two jointly owned Swedish wind parks Solberg and Blaiken. Through the proposed asset swap arrangement Fortum would become the sole owner of the 76-megawatt (MW) Solberg wind park and Skellefteå Kraft the sole owner of the 248-MW Blaiken wind park. Currently, Fortum owns 50% []

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Siemens Gamesa Bags Order For 640 MW Offshore Wind Project in Taiwan

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has finally received the firm order for the 640 MW Yunlin offshore wind plant in Taiwan. Following its selection as the preferred supplier in May 2018, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) has received the firm order by wpd offshore to supply the 640 MW Yunlin offshore wind power plant in Taiwan. []

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Kenyas 1st Utility Scale IPP Solar Proj to Kick-off Construction Post Financial Close

Meanwhile, it is expected that the plant will reach commercial operation in mid-2020 as the construction work likely to take around twelve months. With an aim to power Africas growth trajectory, Globeleq is mulling to begin the construction of Kenyas one of the first IPP-owned utility scale solar power plants post the financial close. This 40 []

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Canada Launches Climate Action Incentive Fund

Businesses that plan to build renewable energy projects are eligible to receive up to 25% of project-related costs, with funding ranging from C$20,000 to C$250,000, under the Climate Action Incentive Fund.   The government of Canada has launched a new incentive program, the Climate Action Incentive Fund (CAIF), to help fight climate change, the federal []

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LONGi Solar Unveils New Module Encapsulation Technology

The Seamless Soldering technology, when combined with innovative module design, has the potential to push the companys high-efficiency PERC module power record to 500Wp. Chinese solar PV major, LONGi Solar has announced that the company has developed the technology of Seamless Soldering, which completely eliminates the gap between cells and increases the efficiency of PV modules. []

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DuPont Announces New Fortasun Solar Silicones

DuPont Photovoltaic Solutions (DuPont) has unveiled its new brand of solar silicones, the Fortasun. The American firm unveiled its new product at the 2019 SNEC solar conference being held in Shanghai from June 3, 2019, to June 6, 2019. The new brand will be added to its flagship DuPont Tedlar and Solamet product lines. The []

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IIT-Delhi In Search of Foreign Scientists for EV Research Centre CART

IIT-Delhi is on the lookout for international experts in the field of electric vehicles to boost its Centre for Automotive Research and Tribology (CART). V Ramgopal Rao, IIT-Delhi director, said they are eyeing to recruit professionals from countries like the US in the newly-formed department along with industry experts. According to him, a team will []

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