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GE Renewable Energy Selected for 158 MW Wind Project in Turkey

GE Renewable Energy has been selected by Türkerler and RT Enerji to supply equipment for the five onshore wind farms being developed in Turkey GE Renewable Energy has announced that it has been selected by Türkerler and RT Enerji to supply equipment for the five Kirazli, Meryem, Sile, Pamukova and Mahmut Sevket onshore wind farms []

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Indus to use its Telecom Tower Network to Host EV Charging Stations

Indus Towers has announced its plans to utilise its large network of telecom towers spread across the country to host EV charging stations. Indus Towers Ltd., Indias largest mobile tower company has announced its plans to utilise its large network of telecom towers spread across the country to host EV charging stations. The company plans []

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CAG Calls out West Bengal for Failing to Create Green Energy Fund

West Bengal failed to create a Green Energy Fund under the renewable energy policy of the government, CAG said in its audit report. West Bengal failed to create a Green Energy Fund (GEF) under the renewable energy policy of the government, the CAG has said in its audit report.  The responsibility for creation and management of the energy fund was thrust upon the states nodal agency, []

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RK Singh Okays Transmission Schemes Proposal for 66.5 GW RE Projects

Prior requirement of LTA applications and associated bank guarantees, to be deferred for the interim period till the RE project is awarded to the successful bidder. In a bid to provide a significant boost to the countrys renewable energy sector, Power Minister RK Singh has approved the CERCs (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission) proposal for early []

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Hanergy Solar Modules to Power Shanghais Rafael Gallery

Hanergy has announced that its thin-film solar modules will cover the 150,000 square meter roof of the Rafael Gallery located in Shanghai. The Hanergy Group has announced that its thin-film solar modules will cover the 150,000 square meter roof of the Rafael Gallery located at the Tech City in Shanghai. Designed by the world-renowned architect, []

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By When Do You Think The Road to Electric Vehicle Transition is Realistic?

After the Union Budget 2019, it is quite clear that Modi government 2.0 has fastened its seatbelt to take a ride on Electric Vehicles, but its transition speed needs to be made clear. Here are some views from a few industry veterans. Mithun Srivatsa Co-Founder & CEO, Blowhorn The Government has been consistently pushing forward []

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Canadian Solar Awarded 51.1 MW Solar Project in Brazil Auction

Canadian Solar has been awarded a 51.1 MW solar PV project in the Sixth Federal Energy Auction (A-4) held in Brazil. Canadian Solar, one of the worlds largest solar power companies, has announced that it has been awarded a 51.1 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project in the Sixth Federal Energy Auction (A-4) held in Brazil []

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Azure Power Appoints new CEO and President

Azure Power has announced the appointment of Ranjit Gupta as CEO and a member of the Board, and Murali Subramanian as president. Azure Power, one of the leading solar power producers in India has announced the appointment of Ranjit Gupta as chief executive officer (CEO) and a member of the Board, and Murali Subramanian as []

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