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Telangana Tenders for Rooftop Solar Systems on Government Buildings

TSREDCO has issued a tender for the installation of rooftop solar systems between 1-1000 kW capacity at various government buildings in Telangana The Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corp (TSREDCO) has issued a tender for the installation of rooftop solar power systems between 1-1000 kW capacity at various government buildings across the state on a []

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MNRE Eases Norms Bidding on Solar Power Projects

MNRE has issued amendments to the guidelines for the tariff-based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid-connected solar projects The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued amendments to the guidelines for the tariff-based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid-connected solar PV power projects. The guidelines, which were []

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Amazon Announces RE Projects Worth 68 MW in Ireland and US

Amazon has announced the companys 65th and 66th renewable energy projects, which will be developed in Ireland and the US. Amazon has announced the companys 65th and 66th renewable energy projects. The companys latest renewable energy project in the EU will be located in Cork, Ireland, and will be the second Amazon Wind Farm in the country. Once complete, the new []

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Capital Dynamics Acquires 180 MW Solar Project in Nevada

Capital Dynamics has announced that its CEI business has acquired the Townsite Solar Project, a 180 MW solar project located in Nevada Capital Dynamics, an independent global private asset management firm, has announced that its Clean Energy Infrastructure (CEI) business has acquired the Townsite Solar Project, a 180 MW/ 231 MWdc solar project located in []

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EBRD Finances Largest Private-to-Private Solar Plant in Jordan

EBRD will together with its partners support a pioneering solar energy plant in Jordan with a financial package of up to USD 35 million. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced that it will together with its partners support a pioneering solar energy plant in Jordan with a financial package of up to []

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Focus on Energy Storage: The Technologies Leading the Charge

Lithium-Ion batteries, at various scales, dominate the energy storage conversation. But as we can see, there are many other technologies fighting for a share of the market. To read the first part of this series, click here. So just what are the options out there for storage at scale? We take a look at the []

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Focus on Energy Storage: Size and Costs Finally Promise a Breakthrough Soon

For everyone counting on renewables to replace the pollution and carbon emissions of fossil fuels, energy storage has been the missing link in a wholesale shift to renewable energy. Energy storage, even though being discussed widely today, has been around for a while. Basic storage batteries have been used since the early 1800s, when Alessandro []

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SLDC to Pay for Irregular Curtailment of Wind, Solar Power

If any SLDC curtails wind or solar power for any reason other than grid safety or security or as prescribed in respective grid code/ regulation, they shall be liable for making good the loss incurred by the wind or solar power generators towards deemed generation. The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued an []

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MNRE Clarifies on Payment Security Mechanism Directive for Gencos

The energy generated during the non-dispatch period shall be calculated on the basis of Capacity Utilization Factor as declared by the generators in Power Purchase Agreements. The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued a clarification on the power ministrys latest directive, which is applicable from today, for power distribution companies (dZiscoms) to []

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