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NTPC Tenders for Site Survey of 25 MW Floating Solar Project

NTPC has issued a tender for conducting geotechnical investigation works for the proposed project site of 25 MW floating solar plant at NTPC Simhadri NTPC has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible parties for conducting geotechnical investigation works for the proposed project site of floating solar power plant of 25 MW at NTPC Simhadri, []

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National Police Academy Hyderabad Tenders for 1 MW Rooftop Solar System

The SVP National Police Academy has tendered for the setting up of a rooftop solar project of 1 MW capacity under the RESCO model in Hyderabad. The Sardar Vallabhai Patel National Police Academy has issued a tender for the setting up of a grid-connected rooftop solar project of 1 MW capacity under the RESCO model []

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Lightsource BP Gets Debt Financing for 200 MW Australian Solar Project

Lightsource BP has signed a senior debt facility with ING and Export Development Canada to fund its first Australian solar project worth 200 MW. Lightsource BP has announced that it has signed a senior debt facility with ING and EDC (Export Development Canada) to fund its first Australian solar project. The 200 MWp solar installation, []

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US DOE Grants $28 Million For Wind Energy R&D

The US DOE has announced the selection of 13 projects to receive a total of USD 28 million to advance R&D in wind energy nationwide. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the selection of 13 projects to receive a total of USD 28 million to advance research and development (R&D) in wind energy []

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China Playing Catch-up in Offshore Wind Technology: GWEC

A new analysis has revealed that while China is dominating in the supply of offshore turbines, it is still playing catch-up in terms of technology In 2018, 11 manufacturers installed 735 units of offshore wind turbines globally, totalling 3,693 MW of capacity, and six out of these top ten suppliers are from China. The firms []

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Blackrock and GE Backed Firm Raises $250 mn to Fund Distributed Solar Projects

DSD, the business-backed by BlackRock and GE Renewable Energy, has announced the closing of a USD 250 million fund to invest in future solar projects Distributed Solar Development (DSD), the business-backed by BlackRock Real Assets Global Renewable Power platform and GE Renewable Energy, has announced the closing of a USD 250 million fund financed by []

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Total Wins 32 MW Rooftop Solar and Wind Projects in Latest French Auctions

Total Quadran has won 32 MW of rooftop solar and wind projects during the recent call for tenders by the French Energy Regulatory Commission. Total continues to actively contribute to the growth of solar and wind power in France, with its affiliate Total Quadran winning 32 MW of new rooftop solar and wind power projects []

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EDP Renewables Gets PPA for 490 MW in Colombia Auctions

EDP Renewables has secured two 15-year PPA at the recent renewable auction organised by the Colombian Government. EDP Renewables (EDPR) a global leader in the renewable energy sector and one of the worlds largest wind energy producers, has secured two 15-year Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) at the recent renewable auction organised by the Colombian Government. []

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STMicroelectronics Posts Q3 Net Revenue at $2.55 Bn

For the full year 2019, we expect net revenues at the mid-point to be about USD 9.48 billion, accompanied by a double-digit operating margin performance, said the company spokesperson. One of the leading semiconductor provider STMicroelectronics (ST) has reported marginally higher net revenue by 1.2 percent at USD 2.55 billion during the third quarter of []

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