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Mainstream Power Closes $580 Mn Renewable Financing Deal in Chile

Mainstream Renewable Power has reached financial close for the 1st phase of its wholly-owned and fully-contracted 1.3 GW wind and solar platform in Chile. Mainstream Renewable Power has reached financial close for the first phase of its wholly-owned and fully-contracted giant 1.3 gigawatts (GW) Andes Renovables wind and solar power generation platform in Chile. The []

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CEL Seeking Partners for Implementation of KUSUM Scheme in Rajasthan

CEL is seeking a pre-bid tie-up for the commissioning of distributed solar systems for agriculture consumers under the KUSUM scheme in Rajasthan The Central Electronics Limited (CEL) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible firms for forming a pre-bid tie-up for the commissioning of distributed grid-connected solar systems for solarisation of agriculture consumers under Component []

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Shell to Boost Floating Wind Expertise Via EOLFI Acquisition

However, the acquisition of EOLFI is subject to regulatory and ministerial approvals, which is expected to be completed during the month of December this year. With an aim to expand its renewable energy business and to get specialization in floating wind capabilities, Royal Dutch Shell has entered into an agreement to buy 100 percent shareholding in []

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Is An Andhra Discount Coming For Indian Renewables?

As the Imbroglio over Andhra Pradeshs effort to renege on its signed PPAs continues to simmer, the state government is implementing the classic payments squeeze to force firms to come to the negotiating table. Successful or not, this has already damaged Indias credibility with potential and existing investors This week has all about Indias refusal []

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Average Energy Spot Prices at 2-Year Low, REC Prices Rise

The average spot power price at IEX dropped 54 percent to a two-year low of Rs 2.71 per unit in October, compared to Rs 5.94 per unit last year. The average spot power price at Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) dropped 54 percent to a two-year low of Rs 2.71 per unit in October, compared to Rs 5.94 per unit in the same []

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Growatt Strengthens Footprint in Mexico; Hikes Investment in 2 Yrs

Now, in order to further strengthen its market position, the inverter manufacturer has started providing professional training to its local partners. With an aim to strengthen its presence in the Mexican market, Chinese photovoltaic (PV) inverters maker, Growatt, is expanding its business activities including investment and training in Mexico. Recently, the inverter major conducted its []

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Ingeteam Announces 1 GW Wind Output From India Plant

At least one firm seems happy with their time in India so far. Spanish electrical conversion and turbine control equipment supplier Ingeteam has announced the completion of 1GW of output within the first year of operations at its production facility in India. The firm, which set up its plant near Chennai in Tamil Nadu, had []

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NTPC Tenders for 250 Electric Buses in Madhya Pradesh

NTPC has issued three tenders for the operation of 250 electric buses in three cities of Madhya Pradesh. NTPC Vidyut Yapar Nigam Limited has issued three tenders, inviting bids from eligible firms for the operation of 250 electric buses in three cities of Madhya Pradesh. The project will be completed under the second phase of []

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Apple led Consortium to Purchase Wind Energy in Texas

Apple, eBay, Samsung, and Sprint have announced a joint agreement to purchase power from a new wind farm developed by Apex Clean Energy in Texas Apple, eBay, Samsung, and Sprint have announced a joint agreement to purchase power from a new wind farm owned and developed by Apex Clean Energy in Texas. The transactionspearheaded by []

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