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Fourth Partner Energy Forays into EV Charging Infra via JV with Lithium Urban

Fourth Partner Energy, which is backed by TPGs The Rise Fund, on Tuesday (March 17)  marked its entry into the electric vehicle (EV) charging Infrastructure space through setting up joint venture (JV) with commercial EV fleet operator Lithium Urban Technologies. Through this 50:50 JV partnership i.e. Shuchi Anant Virya, the two companies will build EV []

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Solar Accounted for 40% of new US Electric Generation Capacity in 2019

Solar accounted for 40% of all new electric generating capacity in the US in 2019, its highest share ever and more than any other source, with 13.3 GW installed Solar accounted for 40 percent of all new electric generating capacity in the US in 2019, its highest share ever and more than any other source []

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Tender Issued for 5 MW Solar Plant at Nalanda University

A tender has been issued for engaging contractors for setting up of 5 MW solar system under EPC mode at the permanent campus of Nalanda University in Bihar. A tender has been issued for engaging contractors for setting up of 5 MW grid-connected solar PV power system under EPC mode at the permanent campus (Phase []

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NTPC to Empanel Consultants for Inspection & Testing of Solar Modules

NTPC Ltd has invited online applications for the empanelment of consultants for carrying out third party quality inspection and testing of solar PV modules NTPC Limited has invited online applications from eligible domestic and international consultants/agency for the empanelment of consultants for carrying out third party quality inspection and testing of solar PV modules. The tentative scope of []

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Kerala Tenders for Empanelment of Contractors for 150 MW Rooftop Solar Projects

KSEB has invited bids for the empanelment of contractors for setting up of rooftop solar plants worth 150 MW in Kerala under the SOURA project The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) has invited bids for the empanelment of contractors on EPC, EPC-RESCO hybrid basis for setting up of rooftop solar PV power plants worth 150 []

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Distribution the Weakest Link in Indias Power Sector: IEEFA

A new IEEFA briefing note has found that the power distribution sector is the weakest link in the entire value chain of the Indian power sector. The precarious financial health of Discoms coupled with a lack of competition is undermining Indias power distribution and generation sectors and hindering much needed new renewable energy investment, a []

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BHEL to Supply Electric Buses With Charging Infrastructure in UP

BHEL has won an order for the supply of electric buses along with the charging infrastructure of these buses for Gorakhpur City in Uttar Pradesh. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), the countrys largest power equipment manufacturer, has announced it has won an order for the supply of electric buses along with charging infrastructure of these []

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RenewSys Elevates Nandkumar Pai as CEO of PV Modules & Cells Biz

RenewSys, which is countrys first integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules and its key components, encapsulants, backsheets and solar PV cells, on Monday said that it has appointed Nandkumar Pai as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of its PV modules & cells division. As a company with a swiftly expanding global footprint, it will continue []

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Magenta Power to Roll Out its Street Lamp Integrated EV Charger by April

Magenta Power, a HPCL-backed startup providing green energy solutions, has today unveiled its first Street Lamp Integrated electric vehicle (EV) Charger called ChargeGrid Flare. The company is further planning to roll-out this newly launched Street Lamp Integrated EV Charger into the market by next month this year. This new range of EV charging points, which []

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