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Inox Wind Begins Work on Phase-I of Gujarat Wind Projects

Inox Wind has started work on the 126 MW phase-I of its 250-megawatt wind power projects in Gujarat following the receipt of certain advances. Inox Wind has announced that it has started work on the 126 MW phase-I of its 250-megawatt wind power projects in Gujarat following the receipt of certain advances. The first phase of the []

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SECI Discovers Rs 2.90/kWh Tariff in 400 MW Round-The-Clock RE Tender; ReNew Power Emerges as Winner

State-owned Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has discovered a tariff of Rs 2.90/kWh in its tender for Round-The-Clock (RTC) supply of 400 MW renewable energy (RE) power to NDMC, New Delhi, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. ReNew Power has emerged as the winner under this tariff-based competitive bidding (RTC-I) and won complete 400 MW of []

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ST Integrates Common-Mode Filter, ESD Suppression in New Automotive-Protection Devices

French-Italian semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics (ST) ECMF04-4HSM10Y and ECMF04-4HSWM10Y automotive-qualified common-mode filters (CMF) for high-speed serial buses protect interface ICs by integrating transient-suppression diodes with low clamping voltage. The company claimed that these are the first CMFs on the market with automotive-grade qualification and automotive surge compliance guaranteed. Also, they are not only produced and qualified according to AEC-Q101 []

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BHEL Tenders for Type Testing of Solar PV Modules as per IEC & IS Standards

State-owned Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) has floated tender inviting bids for type testing of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules as per IEC & IS standards. Interested bidders can submit their bids starting from May 08, 2020, after 02:00 p.m., and the last date for submitting bids is May 30, 2020, till 02:00 p.m. Also, the []

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GoI Extends CEL Divestment Bid Deadline for Second Time up to May 16

For the second time in a row, the Government of India (GoI) has extended the last date for submitting bids for its solar products manufacturing unit Central Electronics Ltd (CEL) by a month. Now, the extended last date and time of expression of interest (EoI) submission is May 16, 2020, at 11:00 hours, from its []

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Carbon Neutrality in Mobility: Is it possible?

India is the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the world after China and the US. To move towards carbon neutrality, being energy efficient is crucial. Economic growth is propelled by rapid urbanization and industrialization and manufacturing accounts for around onethird of global carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon emissions have increased threefold since the 70s. []

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GoodWe Tops Among Global Hybrid Inverter Suppliers in 2019: Report

With more than 15 percent global market share, a leading solar photovoltaic (PV) inverter manufacturer, GoodWe ranked No.1 among hybrid inverter suppliers globally, as per the global energy research & consultancy firm. According to the report published by Wood Mackenzie, or WoodMac, titled Global PV Inverter Market Shares Full-Year 2019, GoodWe has been ranked no. []

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India 5th Largest Energy Earner in the World, 3rd in Renewables

According to a new study, India ranks fifth in the world when it comes to the worlds largest earners from energy industries and India 3rd for renewables According to a new study, India ranks fifth in the world when it comes to the worlds largest earners from energy industries. And for the rankings to judge []

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