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Facebook Green Energy Goals Speeding Transition in New Mexico: IEEFA

Construction of a major Facebook data center in New Mexico has lifted the local economy and accelerated the states transition toward renewable electricity Construction of a major Facebook data center in Los Lunas, New Mexico, has lifted the local economy and accelerated the states transition toward renewable-powered electricity, concludes a report published recently by the Institute []

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NTPC Tenders for Solar Modules Package for Solapur Project

NTPC has issued a tender for the supply and installation of solar PV modules worth 33.6 MWp at the Solapur PV Project NTPC Ltd has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible vendors and bidders for the supply and installation of solar PV modules worth 33.6 MWp at the Solapur PV Project in Maharashtra. The []

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Mexican Govt Blames COVID-19 for Seizing Renewables Energy

The Mexican government has cited the coronavirus pandemic as a justification for new rules that will reduce the role of renewable energy in the energy mix The Mexican government has cited the coronavirus pandemic as a justification for new rules that will reduce the role of renewable energy like solar and wind power, granting a []

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Sterling And Wilson Solar Adds Rs 3015 crore Australian order to Kitty

Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited (SWSL) (BSE Scrip Code: 542760; NSE Symbol: SWSOLAR), today announced that it has signed (along with its branch and Australian subsidiary) an EPC contract of approx. AUD 525 million (~ INR 2,600 crore) as well as the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contract of approx. AUD 85 million (~ INR 415 []

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Govt to Offer Rebate to Discoms for Covid-19 Lockdown Period

With an aim to provide relief to cash strapped power distribution companies (Discoms), the government has taken a slew of measures to help them, including providing a rebate for the lockdown period amidst the coronavirus pandemic. The power ministrys move is in line with the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharamans announcement on May 13, 2020, under []

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JinkoSolar Unveils 580W Tiger Pro Module Series for Utility Projects

JinkoSolar Holding Co Ltd, a leading solar module manufacturer, has launched its 2020 flagship Tiger Pro module series in a virtual product launch. The Shanghai-headquartered companys latest module series can generate a maximum power output of up to 580Wp, which is 40 percent higher as compared to current mainstream products installed in the utility-scale projects. []

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Power Sales Volume up 40%, 20% Rise in Profit in Q4 for IEX

Power sales volume jumped nearly 40% at IEX to 13,835 MU in the January-March period, following which its March quarter consolidated net profit witnessed a significant rise. Power sales volume jumped nearly 40 percent at Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) to 13,835 million units (MU) in the January-March period, following which its March quarter consolidated net profit witnessed a significant rise. []

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The Power Minister and Power Honchos In Virtual Open House. Report

At a virtual meet organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) today, Shri R.K. Singh, Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy joined leaders from the power sector for a frank and open discussion on the key issues facing the sector. Broadcast live on Youtube, the discussion made for a great example of engagement []

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Top 10 States for Renewable Energy Installations in Last 4 Years

A list of the top 10 states that have implemented the maximum amount of renewable energy projects in the last four years. As part of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions as per the Paris Accord on Climate Change, India has undertaken to install at least forty percent of its total electricity generation capacity from non-fossil fuel []

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