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Orb Energy Hires Rabindra Satpathy as Exec VP Business Development

Shell-backed solar power firm Orb Energy has appointed Rabindra Satpathy as its Executive Vice President Business Development. Now, Satpathy will oversee the Bengaluru-based companys business development in ground-mounted solar power plants, including storage, floating solar and other new projects. He brings with him more than 35 years of solar experience in design, engineering, product []

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Which States Have the Highest Solar Energy Potential in India?

The solar energy generation potential in a specific area can be assessed based on factors like availability of land, solar radiation etc. The National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), an apex institute of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), has estimated the potential of solar power in the country to be around 750 GWp. []

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BCD Status. Only Quantum The Issue

In what is now becoming the most common way to pick up views of the ministry, yet another Webinar, Amitesh Kumar Sinha, Joint Secretary in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has clarified yesterday that a decision will be taken on Basic Customs Duty, and soon. The issue is, in some way, a foregone []

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RK Singh Unveils Real Time Market in Electricity; India Now in Few Global Markets

Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister RK Singh have launched the pan-India Real-Time Market (RTM) in electricity, placing India amongst a league of few electricity markets in the world having such system. RK Singh has launched the RTM through video conference in New Delhi, on Wednesday. On explaining the significance of the RTM, RK []

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India Wind Targets are Sensitive to Policy and Regulations: GWEC

India is the worlds fourth-largest onshore wind market by installations, with 37.5 GW of capacity as of 2019. The technical potential at 120-meter hub height is a whopping 695 GW, according to the National Institute of Wind Energy, and the government has set a wind capacity target of 60 GW by 2022 and 140 GW []

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LONGi, Dupont Ink Strategic Cooperation Pact to Develop High-Quality Modules

With an aim to jointly develop high-quality modules, LONGi, Chinese solar photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturer, has entered into a strategic cooperation pact with DuPont, which has a strong presence in backsheets, metallisation pastes and sealant market for solar installations, in Shanghai. As per the agreement signed, the two companies aimed to high-quality develop modules via efficient []

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Goldwind Secures 50 MW Wind Turbines Order in Pakistan

Goldwind has secured a new wind turbines supply contract for 20 units of GW 121-2.5MW high-temperature model wind turbines for the ACTII project in Pakistan. Chinese multinational wind turbine manufacturer, Goldwind has announced that it has secured a new wind turbines supply contract for 20 units of GW 121-2.5MW high-temperature model wind turbines for ACTII []

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ReneSola Signs Supply Pact with Zhejiang XunNeng for 800 MW Solar Modules

ReneSola, a leading solar photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturer, has entered into a framework agreement with Zhejiang XunNeng, a project developer, for the supply of 800 MW capacity of modules for the years 2020 and 2021. On the basis of their earlier successful cooperation, both the companies have decided to further extend their business relationship by []

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Bright Canyon Energys Solar + Storage Project in Seeking Final Approvals in Hawaii

Bright Canyon Energy is in the final award group for HECOs initiative to bring its solar plus storage project to Hawaii. Bright Canyon Energy has announced it is in the final award group for Hawaiian Electric Companys (HECO) initiative to bring a cleaner energy supply to Hawaii. The firms Kūpono Solar plus storage project, located []

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