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How India has Become the Worlds Largest Clean Energy Auction Market: BNEF

BNEF has released a new white paper detailing how India has become the worlds largest and most competitive clean energy auction market Bloomberg Philanthropies and BloombergNEF (BNEF) released Indias Clean Power Revolution, a new white paper detailing how India has become the worlds largest and most competitive clean energy auction market and a model []

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Enphase and Q CELLS Announce AC Module Partnership

Enphase Energy and Q CELLS have announced a strategic partnership to develop AC Modules (ACMs) based on seventh-generation Enphase IQ microinverters Enphase Energy, a global energy technology company and a leading supplier of solar microinverters, and Q CELLS, a renowned total energy solutions provider in solar cell and module, energy storage, downstream project business and []

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Utility-Scale Solar Remains Off-Limits Across Solar Rich Southwest US: IEEFA

The largest property owner in the USthe Bureau of Land Management (BLM)has acreage set aside for utility-scale solar development on only 0.03 percent of the roughly 100 million acres it manages across the sun-rich Southwest, finds a report published by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. The reportFederal Land Agency Lags on Solar Development Approvals []

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EESL Tenders for Supply of 250 Electric Vehicles Under ADB Financing

The Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible vendors for the procurement of 250 electric vehicles. The Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible vendors for the procurement of 250 electric vehicles. The vehicles will be procured in two categories the first lot []

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CEL Tenders for Supply of 2 Million Multi-Crystalline Solar Cells

Central Electronics Limited (CEL) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible bidders for the supply of 2 million multi-crystalline solar cells. Central Electronics Limited (CEL) has issued a tender, inviting bids from eligible bidders for the supply of 2 million multi-crystalline solar cells. As per the tender, the acceptance criteria for the solar cells []

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REIL Tenders for Residential Rooftop Solar Systems Across Bihar

REIL has issued a tender for the rate contract for commissioning and maintenance of residential rooftop solar systems across various locations in Bihar. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited (REIL) has issued a tender for the rate contract for commissioning and maintenance of residential rooftop solar PV power systems across various locations in Bihar. The scope []

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Rs 747 Crore US Order Win for Sterling and Wilson

Sterling and Wilson Solar Solutions, Inc (SWSS), the US subsidiary of Sterling and Wilson Solar Limited (SWSL) has announced that it has been awarded a USD 99 million (~INR 747 crore) contract to construct a 194 MW project in the United States of America. It is being developed by a leading sustainable energy company, and []

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Inadequate Policy Support for RE Startups and SMEs in India: WWF India

There are only a handful of policies that help accelerate the growth of RE startups and SMEs to meet Indias clean energy demands, finds a new report. While Indias move towards clean energy transition has led to the emergence of various startups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), there are only a handful of policies that help []

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