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ST Unveils Extra-Rugged Power Rectifiers to Extend Portfolio for Space Applications

With an aim to extend its portfolio of power devices for space applications, French-Italian semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics (ST) has introduced new ESCC (European Space Components Coordination) qualified 200V and 400V power rectifiers and SEB-immune Schottky rectifiers at 45V and 150V. Further, these rad-hard Schottky diodes include 45V and 150V devices, SEB immune up to 61MeV/cm2/mg linear energy transfer []

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Startup Feature IOTomation

Total Employees: 30 Recurring Revenue: Rs 1.25 crore for FY 2019-20. Key operational areas (Products, Regions, Clients) IOTomation offers Intelligent Building IoT Platform a comprehensive dashboard brings all equipment and smart systems into one screen for energy and maintenance efficiency and safety. Founding Members detail: Dharmendra Rathore is the founder & CEO of []

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EMT and Iberdrolas i-DE Agree to Electrify Madrids Urban Bus Network

EMT and i-DE, Iberdrolas electrical distribution company, have agreed to work together on the electrification of the urban bus network in Madrid. The Madrid Municipal Transport Company (EMT) and i-DE, Iberdrolas electrical distribution company, have agreed to work together on the electrification of the urban bus network in the city of Madrid, with the aim of consolidating []

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Sensor Market Growth to be Dictated by Increase in EV Demand: Report

Sensor market growth will be dictated by an expected increase in demand for electric vehicles (EV), according to a new report by Strategy Analytics. Sensor market growth will be dictated by an expected increase in demand for electric vehicles (EV). The new Powertrain Body Chassis and Safety (PBCS) service report by Strategy Analytics, forecasts that []

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EIB Finances 200 MW Solar Projects in Spain, 2 Wind Farms in Austria

EIB is investing EUR 43.5 mn to finance 200 MW solar projects in Spain, and EUR 63 mn for construction and operation of two new wind farms in Austria. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced that it is investing EUR 43.5 million to finance the largest solar project in Andalusia and one of the most powerful in []

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Xpeng Starts Delivery of its Intelligent EV Sports Sedan P7

Xpeng Motors has begun nation-wide delivery of its new P7 super-long range, high-performance, smart EV sports sedan to customers. Xpeng Motors, a leading Chinese electric vehicle and technology company, has announced that it has begun nation-wide delivery of its new P7 super-long range, high-performance, smart EV sports sedan to customers. This follows the receiving of []

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Can Repowering Deliver 10 GW of Wind Energy for India?

A wind energy deal late last week has provided food for thought to policy makers in India too. A collective, or cooperative  of close to 200 farmers in the  Netherlands have managed to get funding to build one of the largest onshore wind farms in the country.  the money will be used to replace over []

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KKR Acquires Stake in Philippines Based Power Producer First Gen

KKR has accepted all of the 427,041,291 common shares of First Gen, representing approximately 11.9 percent of its outstanding common shares. Global investment firm KKR has announced that, following the completion of the voluntary tender offer period by Valorous Asia Holdings, an entity owned by KKR investment funds, the Offeror has accepted all of the []

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