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Enel Scores First Solar Tender win in India, 420 MW Project in Rajasthan

Enel Green Power has won its first solar tender in India, has been awarded the right to sign a 25-year energy supply contract for a 420 MW solar project. Enel Green Power has announced that it has, through its Indian renewable energy subsidiary EGP India Avikiram Surya India, won its first solar tender in []

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Niti Aayog Report on Towards a Clean Energy Economy

The report, Towards a Clean Energy Economy: Post-COVID-19 Opportunities for Indias Energy and Mobility Sectors, by government think tank Niti Aayog and the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), advocates for stimulus and recovery efforts including electric vehicle, energy storage, and renewable energy programs. It details how COVID-19 is influencing the clean energy transition in India, as well as identifying principles []

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Green Energy can Shoulder Indias Economic Recovery After COVID-19: Report

A new report shows how COVID-19 is influencing principles and strategic opportunities in the clean energy transition to support the economic recovery. A new report has detailed how COVID-19 is influencing the clean energy transition in India, as well as identifying principles and strategic opportunities that if implemented well, will drive economic recovery and maintain momentum []

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SECIs 2 GW ISTS Tender Sees Pricing Records Broken. L1 at Rs 2.36 per unit

Spanish Developer Solarpack Corporacion Technologica announced itself with a big splash in India with the lowest bid of Rs 2.36 per unit, in the SECI 2 GW ISTS auction (Tranche IX). The auction stood out for the sheer global spread of the bidders, with the lowest  9 bidders coming from Spain, Canada, Italy, UK, and []

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The Missing Element in the Proposed Electricity Act Reforms

India is the third largest producer and consumer of electricity worldwide. But it still has one of the lowest per capita power consumption (1,181 kWh) as compared to the worlds average per capita power consumption, which stands high at nearly 2,700 kWh. Because of this, our nation faces the challenge of ensuring sound financial health []

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Bank of America and Duke Energy Agree PPA for 25 MW Solar Power

Bank of America is partnering with Duke Energy to further expand its renewable energy commitment by powering its Charlotte operations with solar energy. Bank of America has announced today that it is partnering with Duke Energy to further expand its renewable energy commitment by powering its headquarters and other Charlotte operations with solar energy. Through a renewable energy []

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Vivint Solar Closes $300 Mn of new Tax Equity Commitments

Vivint Solar has secured USD 300 million in new equity financing commitments from two repeat investors to support the growth of its residential solar business. Vivint Solar, a leading full-service residential solar provider, has announced it has secured USD 300 million in new tax equity financing commitments from two repeat investors to support the growth of Vivint []

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A World Solar Bank and Indias Solar Ambitions.

In the past week, talk of a World Solar Bank, midwifed by the International Solar Alliance (ISA), Prime Minister Modis biggest foreign policy initiative has picked pace again. The ISA, whose overarching mandate can be considered the raising of 1 trillion dollars to build, spread and sustain  solar energy worldwide, with special attention to the []

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Infigen Nudges Shareholders to Accept $864 mn Takeover bid From Iberdrola

The board of Australian wind farm operator Infigen is recommending that shareholders accept an AUD 864 million takeover bid from Spanish utility Iberdrola. The board of Australian wind farm operator Infigen is recommending that shareholders accept an AUD 864 million takeover bid from Spanish utility Iberdrola. The recommendation came after Iberdrola waived conditions for its []

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