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EESL Tenders for Supply of 2.35 Million Smart Electricity Meters in India

EESL has issued an IFB, inviting bids from eligible vendors for the supply of 2.35 million smart electricity meters to be installed across India. Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) has issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB), inviting bids from eligible vendors for the supply of 2.35 million smart electricity meters to be installed across India. []

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Tata Power to Commission Indias Largest Solar Carport for Tata Motors in Pune

Tata Power has signed a PPA with Tata Motors to commission what will become Indias largest solar carport with 6.2 MWp capacity in Pune. Tata Power, Indias largest integrated power utility has announced reaching a new milestone by signing a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Tata Motors to commission Indias largest solar carport. With 6.2 []

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SenseHawk Raises $5.1 Mn for Software Platform to Enhance Efficiency of Solar Plants

SenseHawk has raised USD 5.1 million in funding for its software platform that enhances efficiency in the development, construction & operation of solar plants. SenseHawk, a SaaS company that helps customers develop, build and operate solar and other infrastructure sites, has announced that it has raised USD 5.1 million in Series A1 funding. The investment []

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Overall Electricity Demand Nearly at pre-Covid Levels: ICRA

The all India electricity demand is witnessing a gradual recovery and stood at 98 percent of the pre-COVID level in August 2020, finds ICRA The all India electricity demand is witnessing a gradual recovery and stood at over 96 percent of the pre-Covid level in July 2020 and further improved to close to 98 percent []

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Western Railway Claims to have Saved Rs 3 Crore Thanks to Solar Power

The Western Railway claims that it has saved a substantial Rs 3 crore on its power bills by successfully exploiting solar energy at 75 of its stations. The Western Railway (WR) has come out with the claim that it has saved a substantial Rs 3 crore on its power bills by successfully exploiting solar energy []

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Stakeholders Discuss Opportunities and Advantages Rajasthan has in RE Sector

At a recent webinar hosted by FICCI, stakeholders discussed the advantages and opportunities that the state of Rajasthan has in the RE sector. Rajasthan is home to most of the conventional and non-conventional sources of energy generation. At a recent webinar on Domestic Manufacturing in the Energy Sector hosted by the Federation of Indian Chambers of []

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RattanIndia Sells Solar Assets Worth 306 MW to GIP for Rs 1670 Crore

The RattanIndia Group has sold its solar plants and assets with a combined capacity of 306 MW to GIP for around Rs 1,670 crore. The RattanIndia Group has announced that it has sold its solar plants and assets with a combined capacity of 306 MW to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) for around Rs 1,670 crore. The group has []

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Andhra Pradesh to Introduce Agriculture Electricity Cash Transfer Scheme

Andhra Pradesh has introduced the Agriculture Electricity Cash Transfer Scheme that will virtually do away with the free power supply to the farming sector. The state government of Andhra Pradesh is all set to introduce the Agriculture Electricity Cash Transfer Scheme from the 2021-22 financial year that will virtually do away with the free power supply to []

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RK Singh Launches GTAM; Will Benefit Buyers of Renewable Energy

As a first step towards greening the Indian short term power market, RK Singh has launched pan-India Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM) in electricity. As a first step towards greening the Indian short term power market, Union Minister of State (IC) Power and New & Renewable Energy, RK Singh has launched pan-India Green Term Ahead []

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