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Scatec Reaches Financial Close on 150 MW Solar Project in Pakistan

Scatec and its local partner Nizam Energy have announced the successful financial close for the 150 MW Sukkur solar power project in Pakistan Scatec and its local partner Nizam Energy have announced the successful financial close for the 150 MW Sukkur solar power project with a total investment of about USD 100 million. Scatecs first []

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All Delhi Officials Will Commute in EVs, Request 4W Owners to Switch: Gahlot

Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot has announced that all leased or hired cars to be used by Delhi government officials for commute will be electric vehicles (EVs) within the coming six months. The Minister also requested all four-wheeler owners in the city to switch to EVs. Also, he claimed that the subsidies being offered by []

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Wind, Solar Must Grow by 162 & 253 GW for Europe to Meet 2030 Emissions Target: WM

A new report details that for Europe to meet the 2030 emissions target, dramatic changes are needed including increased wind and solar installations A new report by Wood Mackenzie details that while the new 2030 emissions target of Europe of seeing a 55 percent reduction over 1990 levels has made it the undisputed global leader []

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Fifth Extension for SECIs EOI for Renewable Solutions in Himalayas

SECI issues 5th extension for its call for renewable solutions for meeting energy requirements in remote areas of the Himalayas. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a notification, extending the deadline for submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) for its call for renewable energy (RE) based solutions/ system/ technology for meeting energy requirements in []

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Renewable Sector Springs Back to pre-COVID Levels in India: CEEW-CEF

The renewable energy sector in India has rebounded to pre-COVID-19 levels in Q3 FY21 following the restoration of supply chains, per CEEW-CEF The renewable energy sector in India has rebounded to the pre-COVID-19 levels in Q3 FY21 following the restoration of supply chains, according to a new quarterly analysis release by the CEEW-Centre for Energy []

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Solis Recommends Anti-Grid Surger in Solar Systems

Solis recommends anti-grid surger in solar houses. Installation of multistage surge protection device (SPD), used with the correct SPD wiring method for different grid systems and high quality grid-tied inverters  ensures the prevention of any unwanted discharge to facilities. Solis will promote the culture of anti- grid surge protection for residences and C&I roof that []

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Amara Raja Opens Tech-hub for Lithium-ion Cells in Tirupati

Amara Raja Batteries has opened the countrys maiden technology hub to develop lithium-ion cells, at its Tirupati facility in Andhra Pradesh. Amara Raja Batteries, a leading automotive battery manufacturer in India has announced that it has opened the countrys maiden technology hub to develop lithium-ion cells, at its Tirupati facility in the state of Andhra []

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Senior Finance Analyst

Are you a young, energetic and enthusiastic individual looking for a challenging career opportunity? If yes, we are looking to hire a Chartered Accountant who would handle the following responsibilities: Support in Statutory and Internal Audits Support in preparation of financial statements of Indian entity as per Indian GAAP. Support in review of financials, statutory []

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