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Specialist (Solar Thermal)

The incumbent shall be responsible for conceptualizing and implementing solar thermal projects. He/She shall be responsible to design, procure, erect and commission Solar Thermal Systems like Solar Thermal Systems for heat capture and use, Concentrated Solar Power Systems, CHP systems and any other technology that extracts heat energy from solar and uses it for other []

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Maharashtra Seamless Goes Green With 21 MW Solar Plant from Waaree

Waaree Energies, Indias largest solar module manufacturer and a leader in the EPC segment, has announced the commissioning of 21 MWp ground-mounted solar project in Solapur, Maharashtra. The open access project was executed for Maharashtra Seamless Ltd for captive consumption. This plant is developed to help MSL achieve its endeavor to go carbon neutral. Developed []

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PXIL Launches Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM)

Power exchange India Limited (PXIL), the energy trading market  promoted by NSE & NCDEX has launched the Green-Term Ahead Market (GTAM) on its transaction platform on 24th March 2021. The development took place after receiving approval from the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) on March 19, 2021. To familiarize the market participants about the product and []

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Programme Officer for Renewable Energy Programme

About the Programme CSEs Renewable Energy Programme (REP) is committed to championing the study of the most pressing issues related to the renewable energy development primarily in India and with an international perspective, as well as the international and domestic interventions that characterize our response to energy access, energy security and sustainable development. With keeping []

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UK Govt Announces Promising new Deal in Offshore Clean Energy Shift

UK government has announced a new North Sea Transition Deal with the oil and gas industry. Under the new deal, the government has pledged that the high-skilled oil and gas workers and the supply chain will not be left behind in the transition to a low carbon future. Providentially, this deal will support workers, businesses, []

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Global Wind Energy Growth Must Triple by 2030 to Achieve Net-Zero: GWEC

2020 was the best year in history for global wind industry, but a new report warns that this growth is not enough to achieve net-zero by 2050 2020 was the best year in history for the global wind industry with 93 GW of new capacity installed a 53 percent year-on-year increase but a []

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JICA Signs Loan Agreement for JPY 10 billion with TCCL for Climate Change Management Project in India

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a Loan Agreement for a maximum amount of JPY 10 billion with Indian Non-Banking Financial Company, Tata Cleantech Capital Limited (TCCL) to support the company to offer loans to businesses across India that focus on renewable energy generation, e-mobility solutions as well as energy efficiency, to help mitigate the []

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Rio Tinto Selects Heliogens Solar Tech to Provide Clean Energy to Boron Mine

International mining and metals company Rio Tinto and renewable energy technology company Heliogen today announced an agreement to explore the deployment of Heliogens breakthrough solar technology at Rio Tintos borates mine in Boron, California. Under a Memorandum of Understanding, Heliogen will deploy its proprietary, artificial intelligence (AI)-powered technology at the Boron operation, where it will []

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The BCD Calculus: Will It Deliver The Right Outcomes?

As expected, once it did arrive, Indias Basic Customs Duty (BCD) plan for solar cells and equipment has managed to create just the sort of furore that the government claims it seeks to avoid. After all, for once, this was a decision that was long in coming, with intent having been announced last year itself, []

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