coal india limited

SECI Issues RfS Document for 5 GW RTC Power From RE and Thermal

SECI has issued the RfS document for supply of 5 GW of RTC power from RE projects, complemented with power from coal-based thermal power projects in India. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued the Request for Selection (RfS) document for the selection of renewable energy (RE) power developers for the supply of […]

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Andhra Govt Proposes to set up Solar Plants for 10 GW Power

The Andhra Pradesh Government has proposed to set up its own solar plants to produce 10 GW of solar power to meet the requirements of the agriculture sector. The Andhra Pradesh Government has proposed to set up its own generating units to produce 10,000 MW (10 GW) of solar power to meet the energy requirements […]

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SECI Issues NIT for 5000 MW Power From Renewable and Thermal Sources

SECI has issued an NIT for the procurement of 5000 MW power on the Round-The-Clock basis, from renewable energy projects, complemented with thermal power. The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued a Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for the procurement of 5000 MW power on Round-The-Clock based, from renewable energy projects, complemented with thermal […]

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Gautam Adani Commits To Audacious Solar Ambition

Weeks after yet another ‘win’ in Australia, where the group has made a significant commitment to develop coal mines despite stiff resistance for its energy requirements in India, Gautam Adani, the founder of the group, chose to make a statement. In what is perhaps a  signal for the market on the group’s future priorities in […]

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Clean Energy Flunks The Easy Financing Test

For a Sector that requires one of the largest sustained funding requirements in decades, financing for clean energy investments in India has had a rocky ride. The three year lock-in for developers is the most recent obstacle. Bankability. That’s a word that is highlighted proudly across the solar chain, and whose value can never be […]

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TERI Suggests Key Allocations and Policy Signals for Union Budget

TERI has presented its suggestions for key allocations and policy signals before the government rolls out the Union Budget For The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), green is the only way to go as it has presented its suggestions for key allocations and policy signals before the government rolls out the Union Budget on February […]

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MNRE Drafts Scheme for Round-the-Clock Supply of Renewable Power

MNRE has issued a new draft policy for the supply of round-the-clock power from renewable energy projects, complemented with thermal power projects to Discoms The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued a new draft policy for the supply of round-the-clock (RTC) power from renewable energy (solar, wind or small hydro) power projects. […]

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AfDB, CIF and CGC to Develop Green Financing Instruments for Africa

AfDB, in partnership with the CIF, has commissioned the CGC to prepare a study on the creation of national climate change funds and green banks in Africa. The African Development Bank (AfDB), in partnership with the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), has commissioned the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) to prepare a study on the creation […]

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High Financing Cost Biggest Part of Renewable tariffs-CEEW

New Delhi based Council on Energy Environment and Water (CEEW) a Delhi based think tank focused on the energy transition among other issues, has identified a very high share of financing as one of the biggest components of renewable energy tariffs in India The findings from CEEW,  a respected organisation in the space, serves to […]

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