climate change

World’s First Solar Fuels Reactor for Night Passes Test

International solar thermal energy researchers have successfully tested CONTISOL, a solar reactor that runs on air, able to make any solar fuel like hydrogen and to run day or night – because it uses concentrated solar power (CSP) which can include thermal energy storage. The promise of solar fuels is that we could have zero […]

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Govt Holds Stakeholders’ Workshop to Discuss Market Mechanism under Paris Pact 

The workshop aimed to discuss the features, design and safeguards of the new market mechanism that will be put in place for the post-2020 period and also assess its linkages with the pre-2020 market mechanism, particularly the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The Environment Ministry has organised the stakeholder consultation workshop to discuss market mechanism under […]

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Smart Grids Overcome Renewable Energy Variability and Uncertainty

Smart grids—modernized networks that enable bidirectional flows of energy and use two-way communication and control capabilities, and “distributed generation”— will address the variability and uncertainty of RE without utilities having to add to their conventional Renewable Energy (RE, which includes hydro, biomass, and geothermal as well as the more familiar photovoltaic (PV) and wind) faces […]

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Investing Renewables Infesting Fossils

Renewable Energy Sector as a Future Investment Model With increasing technological advancements, renewable energies are having a significant impact. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly viable, a trend that could potentially be a game-changer for investors, particularly large scale, global investors. The International Energy Agency projected that renewable energy will continue to grow by 42 percent […]

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How India can Achieve Its Ambitious Renewable Energy Goals

India is one of the countries in the world which is blessed with more than 300 days of sunshine in a year and is aggressive towards becoming a solar superpower. The country is currently in process to meet its renewable energy goals. In 2010, the country launched National Solar Mission and made an ambitious target […]

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MNRE announced new National Lab Policy for Renewable Energy

As per MNRE, India’s target of achieving 175GW of renewable energy by 2022 has made it mandatory to have and robust and precise policy. In order to acquire better quality and reliability of projects under the renewable energy category in India the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has recently announced the new and […]

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HEEDING the Call for CYBER SECURITY in Renewable Energy

This is a challenge, but even more so, it is an opportunity to advance the collective technologies towards the attainment of solar cyber security worldwide. In 2012, a computer virus, dubbed Stuxnet, disabled 1000 of Iran’s 5000 centrifuges, detailing a joint US-Israel cyber security attack on Iran that undermined its nuclear enrichment facilities. In 2014, Unit […]

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Tumbling Solar Prices Starts Claiming Victims as Trina Reconsiders India

Trina solar CEO says the Chinese company is reconsidering a planned India plant because prices there are now too low. The price of solar is tumbling across the world. And solar auctions are having their intended effect: Prices for developers are tumbling across Asia. While that’s good news for consumers, solar companies might have to […]

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SOURCE Device Can Produce Up to 10 Liters of Water With the Help Solar Panels

A standard array of two panels will cost around $4500 including installation having a life span of at least 10 years. SOURCE device by Zero Mass Water is a rooftop solar device which produces water also with the electricity. The water is produced by harvesting water vapor from the air, condensing it to liquid. The […]

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