climate change

Wintery Breath Clouding The Sunny Solar Sky!

Winter has already approached and the month of December is also knocking our doors. Before we plan for Christmas and New Year holidays, I reckon, this is the perfect time to look back on the past one year journey of our solar industry and do some analysis on it. This New Year not only brews […]

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SILK Issues Tender for 13.5 KW Solar Plant

The last date for the submission of bids is December 26, 2018 and the time for the completion of project from the date of issuance of award will be 20 days. Steel Industrials Kerala Ltd, a government of Kerala enterprise has issued tender inviting bids for the construction of a 13.5 KW grid connected solar […]

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New York Sets Ambitious Energy Efficiency Targets

The new energy efficiency target for investor-owned utilities will more than double utility energy efficiency progress by 2025. In order to Meet New York’s Clean Energy Goals, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced two initiatives to dramatically increase New York’s energy efficiency and energy storage targets to combat climate change. The new energy efficiency target […]

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Harsh Vardhan Reiterates India’s Renewable Energy Commitments

He was at speaking at the inauguration of Indian Pavilion at the 24th meeting of Conference of Parties (COP-24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Union Environment Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan reiterated India’s solar commitment and public awareness campaign launched by him called Green Good Deeds. He was at speaking at the […]

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‘Desert to Power Initiative’ to Provide Solar Electricity to Sahel Region

Tapping in the vast solar energy potential of the region, the initiative is slated to provide green electricity including in some of the world’s poorest countries. In a bid to eradicate energy poverty for 250 million people in the Sahel region of Africa, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is spearheading the ‘Desert to Power Initiative’ […]

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World Bank and AFD to launch Global Solar Risk Mitigation Initiative

The SRMI is an integrated approach aimed it tackling policy, technical and financial issues, which are associated with scaling up solar energy initiatives. Keeping in line with international Solar Alliance’s ambition of promoting solar energy among member states, the World Bank and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) are developing a joint Global Solar Risk Mitigation […]

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ISA-EU Sign Agreement to Promote Solar Energy

ISA, which is a joint initiative of India and France, was launched in 2015 to help the 121 member countries in increasing the utilization of the potential solar energy. India led ISA and the European Union signed an agreement to enhance solar energy on the sidelines of the ongoing Conference of the Parties to the […]

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World Bank Lauds India’s Renewable Energy Push

“Many of the world’s largest energy-consuming countries significantly improved their renewable energy regulations since 2010”, the report mentioned. World Bank in its latest report Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE) 2018 praised India’s efforts and its success in renewable energy actions and policy support helping drive down the cost of renewable energy in the country. […]

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Year End Review 2018 – MNRE

India attains global 4th and 5th positions in wind and solar power installed capacities; India now at 5th global position for overall installed renewable energy capacity A total of 101.83 billion units of power were generated in the country during the year 2017-18 from renewable energy The Government has declared the trajectory of bidding 60 […]

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