clean energy manufacturing

Canadian Solar Starts Construction on 143 MWp of Solar Projects in Japan

Canadian Solar announced today that it has commenced construction on four solar projects in Japan totaling 143 MWp. This portfolio includes Canadian Solar’s flagship mega-project, the 100 MWp Azuma Kofuji project located in the Fukushima Prefecture, and other projects totaling 43 MWp in the Ibaraki and Hiroshima Prefectures. Azuma Kofuji 100 MWp The Azuma Kofuji project is Canadian Solar’s largest […]

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Taiwan Cement Announces NT$10 Billion Investment for Super Battery Factory

As one of the top ten cement companies in the world, Taiwan Cement (TCC) greatly emphasizes on the climate and environmental impacts the cement industry causes. TCC Chairman Nelson Chang states, “Everyone has only one nationality, Earth.” In 2020, TCC joined industry peers to support the Climate Ambition to deliver carbon neutral concrete products in 2050 announced […]

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Berlin-based Betteries Closes €2.1m Seed Funding Round to Upcycle EV Batteries

Betteries, a startup based in Berlin which upcycles electric vehicle (EV) batteries into affordable power systems, announced that it has successfully closed its Euro 2.1m seed funding round led by impact funds Factor[e] Ventures and Beyond Black. Speaking of this investment achieved, CEO and founder of betteries, Dr. Rainer Hönig stated, “This seed round is […]

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The 12 States Welcoming EV Adoption With Policies To Match: WRI India

12 states in India stand out for their electric vehicles (EV) policies which can actually support and nurture an EV transition, according to a recent report launched by the World Resources Institute India (WRI India). According to the report titled, “A review of State Government Policies for Electric Mobility”, a total of 14 states have […]

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970 Government Funded Public EV Charging Station Installed in India so far

Answering questions on progress made by Power Ministry in establishing the EV charging stations in India, RK Singh has detailed the initiatives of the Power Ministry and that 970 public stations have been installed so far. Answering a question raised in the Rajya Sabha on the progress made by government-backed agencies in establishing the Electric […]

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Net-Zero Emissions in India Possible by 2050, but Challenging: Report

A new report has assessed India’s technology & policy options if it were to accelerate its transition to a net-zero emissions system by 2050 To reach a net-zero emissions energy system by 2050, India needs a suitable policy and innovation-driven context to deploy clean energy technologies on a massive scale. It requires more and faster […]

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H24US Drives the Science of Hydrogen Separation

H24US has announced that its advanced polymer membrane technology has the best-known observed performance in selecting hydrogen (selectivity) from other gases with very high throughput (permeability) indicating that this technology is one of the current leaders in this field. This outstanding performance was contrasted to other membranes via direct comparison of published data in an […]

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Ørsted Begins Construction at 900 MW Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan

With all the permits and approvals in place, Ørsted is moving ahead with construction of the 900 MW Greater Changhua 1 & 2a offshore wind farms With all the permits and EIA approvals in place, global offshore wind leader Ørsted has announced that it is moving full speed ahead with full-scale offshore construction activities of […]

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