
Mango, Letin For the World, The Cheapest Electric Car In The World

China tops the list of electric vehicle (EV) developers and electric mobility promoters. With close to 500 automakers  EV manufacturers, the competition is intense. On company is going back to the original Chinese premise for success. Build them cheap.  Levdeo, one of the EV makers in the country, headquartered in Shandong, China, is aiming to […]

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Researchers Make Case for Gallium-doped p-type Heterojunction Solar Cells

Researchers of an Austrian-Russian research group have come out with a technique to make Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells based on P-type wafers more efficient and stable with Gallium-doping. These p-type, Gallium-doped wafers have proved to be 22.6% efficient, more stable, and cheaper than the usual n-type Phosphorus-doped Czochralski–grown silicon (Cz–Si) wafers.  The scientists of the […]

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China Could Add 55-65 GW of Solar Capacity in 2021: China Solar Association

The Solar Manufacturing Association of China predicts that the country can add approximately 55 to 65 GWs of solar capacity in 2021. In a note on thursday, the association said that these additions could take total solar installations of China beyond 300 GW by the end of the year. However, the solar power installation reached […]

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R.K. Singh Acknowledges Tariff, Non-Tariff Barriers To Stay For Solar Equipment

In what seems to be a clear ramp up of pressure to buy locally and block imports, Power and MNRE Minister R.K. Singh has categorically referred to both tariff and non-tariff barriers as a way to achieve this objective. Speaking at an industry event on  self reliance in renewable energy manufacturing organised by the Confederation […]

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Zhongnan Group Starts Construction of a New 5 GW Solar Factory

The Zhongnan Group recently held a ceremony to set up a new solar production plant whose annual manufacturing capacity is said to be 5 GW. The group is the main investor behind the well-known electric services company ReneSola, which is known for selling solar PV modules globally. The ceremony was held in Hai’an Economic Development Zone […]

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GoodWe To Expand Residential Inverter Production, Received Order of 5000 units

The Chinese solar PV inverter manufacturer GoodWe has today announced that it has received an order of 5,000 residential inverter units from the Germany-headquartered photovoltaic distributor, Krannich Solar. Hence, the firm will have to ramp up its residential inverter production. With the COVID-19 situation easing across various states, EPC and installers have resumed their projects […]

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JinkoSolar’s Modules Break Records with 23.53% Highest Conversion Efficiency

JinkoSolar Holding Co. Ltd., the Chinese solar module manufacturer today announced that the maximum solar conversion efficiency of its advanced high-efficiency solar module reached 23.53% and has outperformed the previous record of 23.01%, also set by JinkoSolar, in January 2021. The result was independently tested and confirmed by TÜV Rheinland, one of the world’s leading […]

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MG Motor, Fortum Set up a 50KW Public EV Charger in Pune

The Indian subsidiary of Chinese automotive manufacturer SAIC Motor, MG Motor India, and clean-energy Finnish company Fortum Charge & Drive India together have set up a 50 kW Superfast public EV charging station in Pune. The smart chargers can be accessed by anyone who has an EV car compatible with the CCS2 (Combined Charging System), […]

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Tata Power, Azure Win MSEDCL Hybrid Tender With Rs 2.62 Bid

Tata Power (TP Saurya  Limited) and Azure Power have edged out RenEw Power to win the Hybrid MSEDCL tender for wind and solar combined. The winning bidders came in with bids at Rs 2.62, a paisa lower than RenEw Power’s Rs 2.63 bid. The tariff is less than 10 percent higher than the one discovered […]

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