central electricity authority

CERC Grants Additional Time To HPX To Meet Min Net Worth Norm

The Central Electricity Regulatory Authority (CERC), in its latest order, granted the Hindustan Power Exchange Limited (HPX) additional time to meet the minimum net worth norm. HPX is one of the few operational power exchanges in India. As per the CERC (Power Market) Regulations 2021, these power exchanges are bound to meet the minimum net worth […]

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CEA Revises Methodology To Calculate AT&C Losses

The Central Electricity Agency (CEA) has issued a notification seeking a revision in the methodology adopted for calculating Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) Losses. Earlier, The central authority issued its guidelines on calculation methodology for the computation of AT&C losses on June 2, 2017.   The addendum of the methodology specified that the collection efficiency of subsidy received and realization […]

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State Commissions Can’t Decide On Trade Margins In ISTS Projects: APTEL

The Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL), in its latest judgment, ruled that State Commissions do not have the jurisdiction to take a call on the trade margins for Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) power projects. The apex tribunal passed the order while hearing a case between the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) against an impugned […]

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DRE Finds A Footing In India, Powered By Solar

Laxmi Bhuyan is a 58-year-old woman from the Sindiba village in the Gajapati district of Odisha. This tribal village, with swatches of fertile land around the village periphery, bolstered the local farmers to grow different fruits and vegetables around the year. However, the raw fruits often yielded low prices for the producers. On the other […]

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CERC Asks Regional Gencos To Be Prepared For Ancillary Services During Peak Demand

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), in its latest order, has asked the regional power generating stations under the control of state governments and other power stations to be prepared to render their ancillary services to counter the peak electricity demand. The peak demands are likely to increase with the country’s temperature rise. The central authority […]

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CERC Declines To Give Relief To ReNew Wind Energy In Gujarat ISTS Project Case

In its latest order, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) declined to give any relief to the ReNew Wind Energy (TN) Private Limited in a case related to its proposed 265 MW of wind project in the Bhuj district of Gujarat.  The wind energy developer had signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Solar Energy […]

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ArcelorMittal Form JV In Brazil To Develop 554 MW Wind Power Project

Global steel conglomerate ArcelorMittal has announced that its Brazilian entity, ArcelorMittal Brazil, is forming a joint venture partnership with Brazilian renewable major Casa dos Ventos to develop a 554 MW wind power project. ArcelorMittal Brazil will hold a 55 per cent stake in the JV, with Casa dos Ventos holding the remaining 45 per cent. […]

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CERC Cuts Ceiling Price For Power Trading, HP-DAM Peak Cut From Rs 50 To Rs 20/unit

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), in its latest suo-moto order has approved a reduction of the ceiling prices for different existing Day-Ahead Markets (DAM). It comes days ahead of the summer season when the peak demands are anticipated to escalate sharply, with the government making strenuous efforts to keep the lights on with a […]

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NREL Wins The Battle Of Commissions With GUVNL For 350 MW Solar Projects

In a battle involving 350 MW of delayed solar projects in Gujarat, NTPC Renewable Energy Limited has won an early win, with the CERC going with its contention that the Central Regulator is the right forum for any dispute with the state discom, GUVNL, in this case. NREL, the wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC, had […]

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