
Missing The Sunshine – Mini Grids in India

Even as the solar story develops in India, there is a part of the sector that has quietly been working and making an impact in its own way. Yes, Mini Grids and even micro grids, in the limited opportunities they have had in the country, have made a strong case for themselves. Serving areas that […]

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New Zealand Plans to Go Carbon Neutral by 2050

“Agriculture is incredibly important to New Zealand, but it also needs to be part of the solution,” Climate Change Minister James Shaw said.  New Zealand introduced legislation Wednesday to make the South Pacific nation carbon neutral by 2050, although greenhouse gas emissions from the economically vital agricultural sector will not have to meet the commitment. […]

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Siemens Wins Race to Rebuild and Modernise Iraq’s Electricity Grid

Within the implementation agreement, the parties also agreed on the award of contracts valued at approximately 700 million euros for Phase 1 of the Roadmap. German Industrial Conglomerate Siemens has beaten US-based General Electric to rebuild and modernise Iraq’s electricity grid. The German firm has signed an agreement with the Ministry of Electricity paving way […]

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Indian Solar Sector Contracts in 2018-19

The Indian Solar sector saw only 6,529 MW addition during the last financial year while Wind energy Sector too recorded a slump in growth. According to the data supplied by the Central Electricity Authority, 2018-19 saw fresh capacity additions to a paltry 6,529 MW as against 9,010 MW in the previous year. The figures show […]

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Off-Grid Solutions Provider SolarHome Raises $1 Mn Follow-On Equity

Singapore-based off-grid solutions provider, SolarHome has announced that it has secured an additional $1 million in equity funding as part of its series A round. The startup which is working on providing off-grid solar solutions to households in Myanmar on a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) model has secured the funding from its existing investor Trirec. TRIREC an […]

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Interview with Pawan Pandey, Director | Radite Group

Radite Mulls Entry Into Electric Vehicle Charging Segment We have serious plans for entering the EV charging segment, and have already done a lot of groundwork in this regards. We are very hopeful of establishing our first station in first quarter itself, says Pawan Pandey, Director, Radite Group, one of the fastest growing companies in […]

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European Commission Approves EUR 385 Mn Support For RE Transition in Lithuania

The scheme will contribute to Lithuania’s transition to low carbon and environmentally sustainable energy supply, in line with the EU environmental objectives and our state aid rules. The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Lithuania. The measure, open to all types […]

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India’s Road Towards EV Adoption…

When it comes to Electric Vehicles (EVs), India would certainly seem to be playing catch up with the rest of the world. Consider the fact that in China, they have already started worrying about a mini-bust in the sector, thanks to the huge number of startups and major players who have jumped in. Thus, even […]

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