battery energy storage systems

2020 Could Be Africa’s Arrival As A Solar Market With Size

After a long wait, 2020 could well mark a decisive shift in the energy availability graph for countries in Africa, as multiple approaches and tactics finally make a case for a stronger push. For long, Africa has suffered from the world’s lowest electrification rate. Figures from 2017 state that Its power consumption per capita is […]

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Eni and Falck Renewables JV to Develop 1 GW RE Projects

Eni and Falck Renewables have signed a strategic agreement for the joint development (JV) of renewable energy projects in the United States. Italian major Eni and Falck Renewables have signed a strategic agreement for the joint development (JV) of renewable energy projects in the United States. The agreement involves the creation of a venture owned […]

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Maximising Role of RE in Spain & Chile Dependent on Flexibility Assets

Maximising the role of renewable energy in Spain and Chile will hinge on the extent to which ‘flexibility assets’ are deployed and used Maximising the role of renewable energy (RE) i.e. solar and wind power in the electricity systems of Spain and Chile between now and 2050 will hinge on the extent to which ‘flexibility […]

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Microgeneration and Power Trading – Will it work for India

At the outset let us define what is microgeneration. In simple terms, it is defined as the small-scale production of electricity from a low carbon source. This includes the design and installation of advanced distributed generation systems using traditional or renewables technologies. Given that traditional power systems are efficient only at scale, they typically do […]

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ANERT Tenders for 10 MW Off-Grid Solar Plants in Kerala

ANERT has issued a tender for the installation of off-grid solar plants for an aggregate capacity of 10 MW across 14 districts of Kerala. The Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT) has issued a tender for the rate contract of installation of off-grid solar power plants for an aggregate capacity of 10 MW […]

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Solar Inverters Ready For the Spotlight

For most people, thinking of solar usually brings to mind solar panels, the distinctive signature of solar energy. But this story takes a look at another critical part of the solar chain, the inverters. These devices, tasked with the job of converting DC power to AC and more, have been largely taken for granted, even […]

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The Problem with Rooftop Solar. Discom View

In the first of a two-part series based on the report, Solar Rooftop, The Discom Perspective, we bring to you the issues, and possible solutions (in part 2) proposed by discoms. The report has been released by TERI and the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. Even as India’s renewable renaissance has stumbled in the past 18 […]

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To Meet Paris Climate Target 8x Higher Solar, Wind Needed: DNV GL

Governments, businesses and society as a whole need to change the prevailing mindset from ‘business-as-usual’ to ‘business-as-unusual’ to fast-track the energy transition, says Ditlev Engel. In order to meet the targets of the Paris climate pact, there’s a need for taking extraordinary policy actions to promote renewable energy, electric vehicles (EVs), energy efficiency, new decarbonization […]

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A new Concept for Better and More Sustainable Batteries

Researchers have developed a new concept for aluminium batteries, which will give them twice the energy density with reduced environmental impact Researchers from the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and the National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia have developed a new concept for aluminium batteries, which will give them twice the energy density as compared […]

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