
Hydrostor to Develop 1 GW Energy Storage Facility in California

Hydrostor has announced the development of a 1 GW of long duration energy storage project in the state of California. Hydrostor, a long-duration energy storage solution provider, announced the development of 1,000 MW (1 GW) of long duration energy storage project in the state of California. The California Public Utilities Commission has identified a need […]

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LONGi Releases Q1 2021 and Full Year 2020 Results

Chinese solar PV manufacturer LONGi has released its 2020 annual report to shareholders across the world, displaying a steady growth in revenue and a substantial rise in global shipments. During 2020, the company continued with its customer value oriented approach, providing reliable and efficient products and services to the market. According to the annual report, LONGi […]

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Chinese Consortium to Invest and Finance 1.1 GW Solar Farm in Brazil

The consortium of CDIL & CMEC have entered into a development agreement for the EPC and financing of a 1.1 GW solar project in Brazil The consortium of China Development Integration Limited (CDIL) and China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) has announced that they have entered into a development agreement in relation to the EPC+F (engineering, […]

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ARENA asks Luceo Energy to Help Increase DER in Low Voltage Networks

Queensland energy data company, Luceo Energy, has been tasked with providing a solution to distribution network service providers (DNSPs) to help them smoothly manage distributed energy resources (DER) within low voltage networks, by the Australian government. For this purpose, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has extended $2.6 million in funding to the Brisbane-based clean-tech innovator. The allocation […]

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Gridtential Produces Breakthrough AGM Battery With East Penn Manufacturing

Gridtential Energy – an inventor and developer of Silicon Joule battery technology, has announced it is launching a series of groundbreaking AGM reference batteries produced on East Penn Manufacturing’s prototype line. The first offering is a single-block 24V lead battery optimized for deep-cycle applications. A 12V power version will follow later in Q2 2021, with […]

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Leaders Summit Outlines Energy Transition Priorities for a 1.5°C Future: IRENA

The Paris agreement sets out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Today, more and more countries are aiming for net zero emissions by mid-century and attention is shifting to the implication of this objective. While existing Nationally […]

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Amazon Announces New Investments in RE in US, Canada, Europe

Retail giant Amazon announced this week that it was investing in nine new utility-scale wind and solar energy projects in the US, Canada and Europe, thereby becoming the largest corporate buyer of renewable energy in Europe. The company said that with these 9 new projects, it now has 206 renewable energy projects worldwide that can generate 8.5 […]

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Upgrading a Grid Connected PV System To An Energy Storage System

Even today, there is a widespread impression among many prospects that a solar system could mean grid independence. Unfortunately, by the time they actually understand the way most solar setups work, especially if you want the benefit of subsidies, they realise that the only way is a grid connected solar plant. However, that is changing. […]

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