alternative energy

The ‘Misjudge Material’ can be the next Solar Cell Technology

Researchers are step close to a solar energy innovation which claims to vie traditional energy sources in electricity generation. Currently, silicon solar cells available in the solar cell market making manufacturing costs a bit tight for the manufacturers. But, a team Led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Washington State […]

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Canadian Northern Territory aims to Operate Completely on Solar

Canada is in vigorous search for alternatives sources to deviate itself from fossils fuels. Colville Lake situated in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories of Canada is known to have successfully prototyped a system of batteries and solar panels that will leverage the entire community to run on sun’s energy; at least in the […]

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Hybrid Fuel-Solar Innovation can Level the Mining Power Outrage

Sectors like Mining, where irradiation is high, CSP solar components which depends completely on sunny regions can aid the power crisis for these vulnerable areas. A study named “A hybrid solution with concentrated solar power (CSP) and fuel for baseload mining operations” analyses the fit of Stirling Hybrid solutions for the mining industry. The Stirling […]

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India’s First Fully Solar Powered Educational Institute in Puducherry

The Sri Aurobindo International Centre for Education (SAICE), Puducherry has named the first India’s Educational Institute that is fully powered by solar and totally self-reliant for its energy required. The authority claims that, the solar power systems which had been installed on the roofs of the Institute premises has been utilizing solar power since 2014 […]

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KSA, Al-Afandi Solar Aims to Build Massive Solar Power Plant in The Middle East

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Royal Commission has come under an agreement with Al-Afandi Solar to build one of the largest commercial processing plants for solar cell and silicon panel. Yanbu Royal Commission Chief Executive Dr. Alaa Nassif and Al-Afandi Solar Dy. Ibrahim Al-Afandi marked the billion-dollar solar facility contract. The facility is expected to fill a […]

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