South Africa

Indian companies win Solar for All contest for innovative community solar electrification solutions

The Canopus Foundation and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, who collaboratively organized the 2nd Solar for All Contest for Innovative Community Solar Electrification Solutions 2016, on 19th October, had announced the winners. For the past nine months, Solar for All was running the Contest to find the best innovations in providing rural […]

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Hybrid Fuel-Solar Innovation can Level the Mining Power Outrage

Sectors like Mining, where irradiation is high, CSP solar components which depends completely on sunny regions can aid the power crisis for these vulnerable areas. A study named “A hybrid solution with concentrated solar power (CSP) and fuel for baseload mining operations” analyses the fit of Stirling Hybrid solutions for the mining industry. The Stirling […]

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What is International Solar Alliance (ISA) – Things You Should Know!

When the whole world is undergoing an energy crisis moment – The world leaders and political heads have come together to mark the most abundant form of energy ‘solar’ and technologically empower to feed the sphere with ‘Green Energy.’ The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is one of its kind historic pact among solar resource wealthy […]

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