Solar Project

Small Business Owners in Clean Energy Sector Still Hope for Best

“Even without the U.S.’s formal participation in the pact, we believe our nation will continue to lead in carbon reduction and clean energy,” Small business owners who install solar panels or help customers use clean energy don’t seem fazed by President Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord, saying they […]

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Renewables are becoming the least cost option in India, Denmark, Egypt, Mexico, Peru and UAE

The cost of renewables is well below equivalent costs for fossil fuel and nuclear generating capacity in India, Denmark, Egypt, Mexico, Peru and UAE Renewables are becoming the least cost option in India, Denmark, Egypt, Mexico, Peru and the United Arab Emirates, a global multi-stakeholder renewable energy policy network said on Wednesday. It said record […]

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Unused Green Energy Tests China’s Energy Leadership

Increasing amounts of that green energy have gone unused as China struggles to integrate wind and solar farms into an outdated and balkanized electricity network dominated by coal. China’s scramble to curb pollution has made it the world leader in renewable energy development, yet increasing amounts of that green energy have gone unused as the […]

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Amara Raja, Juwi India, Luminous Power and 68 other de-empaneled by MNRE

MNRE stated the empanelment of these de-empaneled channel partners will not be considered for next one year. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on Wednesday announced that it has de-empanelled 71 channel partners/ new entrepreneurs including Juwi India Renewable Energies Private Limited, Amara Raja Electronics Limited and Luminous Power.  These channel partners has been […]

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ACME launches India’s 1st Battery Swapping & Charging Station with Lithium Batteries for the Electric Vehicles

ACME has provided EcoCharge Battery Swapping & Charging Stations to Ola for their Pilot Project at Nagpur City ACME has announced the launch of EcoCharge, country’s 1st Battery Swapping & Charging Station for the Electric Vehicles. The EcoCharge Battery Swapping & Charging Station comes with the following advantages: Lowest Operating Cost Fast Charging Swapping time […]

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PM Modi Begins Four-Nation Tour, clean energy among others on future roadmap of cooperation

Modi said he and Merkel will “chart out a future roadmap of cooperation with focus on trade and investment, security and counter-terrorism, innovation and science and technology, skill development, urban infrastructure, railways and civil aviation, clean energy, development cooperation, health and alternative medicine.” PM Narendra Modi begins his four-nation tour of Germany, Spain, Russia and […]

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India’s Energy Transformation from Fossil Fuel to Renewables is Gaining Rapid Momentum: Experts

“Measures taken by the Indian government to improve energy efficiency coupled with ambitious renewable energy targets and the plummeting cost of solar has had an impact on existing as well as proposed coal fired power plants, rendering an increasing number as financially unviable,” India’s decision to cancel nearly 14 gigawatts of coal-fired power stations coupled […]

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Renewable Energy Employs 9.8 Million People Worldwide: IRENA

“Falling costs and enabling policies have steadily driven up investment and employment in renewable energy worldwide since IRENA’s first annual assessment in 2012, when just over seven million people were working in the sector.” According to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) more than 9.8 million people were employed in the […]

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