
Solar power improving primary healthcare in rural Chhattisgarh – CEEW

The study finds that solar powered PHCs could significantly improve in-patient services, out-patient services, emergency care, delivery services, and laboratory services in rural India Solar powered primary healthcare centres (PHCs) in Chhattisgarh admitted over 50% more patients and conducted almost twice the number of child deliveries in a month compared to power-deficit PHCs without a […]

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Startup Opportunities in Solar pv

Two key words that I would like to start: “startups” and “Rs.2.44/unit”. These have caught the attention of every educated citizen in the country. The first, for the opportunity of utilizing ones ideas and potential of doing something great; the other being the lowest tariff quoted in this month in solar PV under reverse bidding. […]

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Global Solar Investment to be Higher than Coal, Gas and Nuclear Combined in 2017: Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan forecasts the global solar investment to be higher than coal, gas and nuclear combined in 2017. With prices for both solar and wind continuing to decline, renewable investment keeps booming at the expense of traditional power generation. Lower project costs and continued regulatory support for renewable energy in key markets will see […]

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ABB India hits 5 gigawatt mark for solar inverters

Last year, ABB India doubled its solar inverter manufacturing capacity in India. The expansion follows earlier milestones achieved by ABB India in 2015 ABB India has announced that it has surpassed the 5 GW milestone for the supply of solar inverters in the country. From schools to airports, canal tops and mega solar plants, ABB’s […]

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How falling solar tariffs are shaping the solar future of India’s 100GW goal

The technology chapter of solar energy is aerobicized, the growing efficiencies and advance solar cells is aggrandizing operation regardless of robust conditions. In the case of India, the valiant figures of solar integration are extolling and cementing new charts of growth. This unequivocally qualifies the international and national players to proliferate and also aggressively dive […]

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MNRE issues guideline Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process to increase affordability of Solar Power

The guideline for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process has been issued by MNRE under the provisions of Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for long term procurement of electricity by the ‘Procurers’ Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has issued Guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid connected […]

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MAHAGENCO Invites Bids For 200 MW Solar Plant

Maharashtra State Electricity Generation Company has invited bids of 50 MW each to be developed across the western, western/northern, Vidarbha and the Marathwada regions of the state to in public private partnerships. As a part of its plan to set up 2,500-mw solar capacity over the next five years, the state- run generation company Mahagenco […]

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Cyborg Bacteria Can Harvest Solar Energy to Produce Fuel

To enable humans to capture more of the Sun’s energy than natural photosynthesis can, scientists have taught bacteria to cover themselves in tiny, highly efficient solar panels to produce useful compounds. Scientists have created cyborg bacteria – microbes covered with tiny, highly efficient solar panels – that are better than plants at harvesting the Sun’s […]

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