
Can China Become ‘Carbon Neutral’ by 2060?

Imagine China, the world’s top emitter of carbon emissions, which in 2019 released nearly double the emissions of the US which has barely any coal power plants. Now imagine it with zero gasoline-powered cars, and with more than four times the 1,200 gigawatts of solar and wind power capacity installed across the world today. This […]

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ARENA to Fund USD 12.9 million to AEMO for its Distributed Energy Project

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has today announced USD 12.9 million in funding to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) for the development of a major Victorian Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Marketplace trial named Project EDGE (Energy Demand and Generation Exchange). Project EDGE is a multi-year project to demonstrate an off-market, proof-of-concept Distributed Energy […]

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CIT Serves as Coordinating Lead Arranger for $256 Million Texas Solar Financing

CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT) today announced that its Power and Energy business served as coordinating lead arranger on a $256 million financing for the 250-megawatt (MW) Taygete I Energy Project owned by 7X Energy, Inc (7X) and located in Pecos County, Texas. 7X Energy is a leading utility-scale solar developer, owner, and asset manager that has originated 1,350 (MWac) of solar […]

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India Drops to 2nd, Chile Takes No.1 on Climatescope Emerging Markets Ranking

India dropped back down to 2nd position, as Chile regained the top spot back in the latest Climatescope survey ranking by BNEF India, after topping BNEF’s Climatescope Emerging Markets Ranking in 2019, has dropped back down to second position in the latest Climatescope survey released by BNEF. Chile, which was ranked 2nd in last year’s […]

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China & India Remained Biggest Emerging Markets for Clean Energy Investments: BNEF

According to a new report by BNEF, China and India remained the biggest emerging markets for clean energy investment As 2019 came to a close, the outlook for renewable energy growth in developing economies was exceptionally bright. Power-generating capacity from solar plants such as solar projects reached 325 gigawatts (GW), up from just 1 GW […]

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STMicroelectronics to be Carbon Neutral by 2027

STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, announced its goal to become carbon neutral by 2027, the earliest date anticipated for any semiconductor company globally. ST’s comprehensive roadmap to carbon neutrality includes two specific targets: compliance with the 1.5°C scenario defined at the Paris COP21 by 2025, which implies […]

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SECI Extends EOI for Empanelment of Agencies for Work in E-Mobility Space

SECI has extended its EOI for empanelment of agencies for the identification & implementation of business opportunities in the e-mobility space The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has extended its EOI for empanelment of agencies for the identification and implementation of business opportunities in the electric mobility (e-mobility) space in line with the national […]

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COVID-19 Surge Leaves 446,000 US Clean Energy Workers Unemployed: Report

As COVID-19 cases surged in the US, fewer than 8,000 jobs were added by US clean energy businesses in November, leaving more than 446,000 unemployed Clean energy companies added the fewest number of jobs in November since unemployment peaked in May, as COVID-19 cases and shutdowns in the US surged to their highest levels since […]

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Clean Energy, Powered by Clean Technology, is Critical for India: Kant

Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant has said that clean energy is critical for India and it must achieve it by getting into cutting-edge technology. Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant, while addressing a virtual book launch event organised by the Observer Research Foundation, has said that clean energy is critical for India and that it is important for the […]

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