Goa Govt to Provide Solar Lamps for Forest-Dwellings 

The permission will be sought from the forest department, which is a requirement in wildlife protected areas, to provide  solar lamps to interested households. The Goa Energy Development Agency and the power department jointly to provide solar lamps to the households who don’t have access to power and are living in remote forest areas of the state. […]

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Imagining Application of Water to Store Renewable Power is a Step-Away! 

This revolutionary yet cheap technology can store Solar and Wind energy subsequently and then easily can be fed to the grid and later redistributed when the demand is high. Imagining water to store electricity can surely make your drink one more glass right-away as scientist have discovered a battery that is known to operate through […]

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Tangedco to Add 3,000 Megawatt Solar Capacity

The total capacity, for which the tenders are coming up, is 3000MW. It includes both solar and wind power capacity. The upper limit in tariff has been fixed at 3 per unit for solar and 2.65 per unit for wind. Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has given green signal for Tangedco to come up […]

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Monocrystalline Silicon Thin Film Cheaper and Faster to Fabricate

A research team from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Waseda University have successfully produced high-quality thin film monocrystalline silicon with a reduced crystal defect density down to the silicon wafer level at a growth rate that is more than 10 times higher than before. In principle, this method can improve the raw material […]

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Govt Kicks off Pilot Scheme to Procure 2500 MW Power for 3-Yrs

The Ministry of Power said in a statement that, it had recently issued the model bid documents, model PAPP and PPSA on 6th April 2018. The government has launched a pilot scheme for the procurement of aggregate 2500 MW power on a competitive basis for three years under medium term i.e. from generators with commissioned projects […]

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Govt Clears ‘Electrified’ Villages Definition

The Ministry of Power in a statement said that, village electrification is a legacy issue which, though, mandates electrification of at least 10 percent households in a village, but does not imply restricting household electrification only to 10 percent. After government faced criticism from the opposition parties on its claim of achieving complete rural electrification, the […]

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REAP Completes LED Lighting Contract in California

The LED lighting featured directional control designed and manufactured by RBNW subsidiary, LED Lites USA, which eliminates scattered glare, providing outdoor areas with pleasing light while making the areas safer for residents. LED lighting solutions provider, Renewable Energy and Power (REAP) has completed its energy efficient LED lighting contract in Stargell Commons in Alameda, California. The LED […]

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Viz-A-Viz with Harsh Thacker, Sr Analyst- MOVE (Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification)

Q. With all automobile companies helming towards Electric Vehicles, demand for energy and suitable ecosystem is the initial glitch, how is IESA working to outpace these snags? Š India has a significant market potential for batteries and electric vehicles. Our analysis projects the EV market potential for India would be around 77 million between now […]

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ISA to Create Ecosystems for Startups in Solar Innovations

With the help of global corporates, we expect this transformative action to be undertaken on ground, resulting in access to light for the 1 billion unconnected people, said Upendra Tripathy. India-led International Solar Alliance (ISA) will create ecosystems for startups in solar innovations by enabling incubation, partnerships, access to finance and standards. The task force, set up […]

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