PLI Scheme

Indigenizing Solar Manufacturing: Charting the Course to a Solar Self-Sufficient India

Building a strong solar manufacturing sector and supply chain in India will help support the economy and keep pace with rising domestic and global demand for affordable solar energy. Currently, the Indian solar manufacturing industry doesn’t have the capacity to produce PV modules to meet the majority of today’s domestic demand. With all that in […]

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Rising EV: The State Of EV Sector In India

India is riding fast toward its goal of carbon neutrality by the year 2070. Naturally, the transportation sector, one of the biggest polluters, has to be brought under green cover if the nation wants to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 45 per cent by 2030 – a medium-term goal. The electric vehicle […]

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Coping With Volatility- The New Reality Of EPC Contracts

Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firms are operating in an environment of uncertain, complex and ambiguous conditions. They are hit hard by rising commodity prices and cost escalation, exacerbating pressure on margins. The need of the hour is to work transparently and find collaborative solutions to arrive at win-win solutions to manage volatility. Total installed […]

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China’s Solar Dominance: How Key Consumer Markets Are Adapting

Governments across the globe are increasingly investing in various sources of new and renewable energy to reach their targets of either achieving carbon neutrality or reducing emissions considerably to help realise the goal of the Paris agreement – limiting the rise in global temperature below 2-degree celsius from pre-industrial levels. Solar power is one of […]

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Shining Bright. India’s Solar Start Ups

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Start Up India movement in 2015 on August 15, perhaps even he wouldn’t have imagined the role startups were going to play in India’s clean energy transition. After all, the energy sector, with its tremendous policy overhang, large capital commitments, and the need for a long term  perspective […]

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Solar Manufacturing In India Needs Risk Mitigation Urgently

HQTS Helmsman (India) Quality & Technology Services Private Limited)  is a global supply chain solutions provider and third-party quality service provider, with a strong practice in the energy domain, including solar and wind energy. HQTS was founded in 1995 in China and is today known as one of Asia’s largest premier quality control companies. The […]

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Green Jobs Are Finally A Mainstream Reality In India, Thanks To Solar

The news of India’s ambitious solar and renewable energy targets  has thrown up the possibility of as many as one million jobs in another three years’ time. These jobs matter, not only to an economy always seeking opportunities for its citizens, but also to ease the faster acceptance  and spread of renewable energy, especially solar. […]

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Setting Up a Battery Manufacturing Plant: The Factors That Matter

Battery manufacturing is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. A decade ago, consumers used batteries for their laptops, phones and other gadgets. Today, these energy storage devices are powering cars, medical equipment and even houses. New plants for battery production are popping up as a result. But in this realm of a gradual shift towards […]

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