West Bengal Solar Energy Policy

TARGET As per MNRE there is a target to harness 5336 MW of solar power through grid connected projects and through rooftop in the state. LAND ALLOTMENT Government land, if available, permission for use will be given for 30 years or the project life whichever is less. Land to be allocated and transferred to WBGEDCL, […]

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Haryana Solar Energy Policy

Haryana Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 A discussion paper was released by the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC) in July 2017, stating Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff from Renewable Energy Sources, Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)) Regulations, 2017. The draft mentioned the useful life for solar power projects determined […]

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Chhattisgarh Solar Energy Policy

OBJECTIVE To encourage, develop and promote solar power generation in the State with a view to meet the growing demand for power in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. To enhance the private sector participation in solar power generation. To create a favorable environment for development of solar manufacturing capabilities within the State. To contribute […]

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Jammu and Kashmir Solar Energy Policy

Jammu and Kashmir Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The solar rooftop projects aggregating 450MW will be installed in the state by 2022 has been approved by the state cabinet of Jammu & Kashmir as per the solar rooftop policy 2016 to be followed for a 10-year period implemented in accordance with the provisions of Jammu […]

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Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy

Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 Tamil Nadu became the 21st state to join the UDAY program in January 2017. Distribution company debt of Rs. 304.2 billion (~$4.48 billion) will be taken over by the state government. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has fixed Rs. 4.50 (~$0.066)/kWh as the new benchmark tariff […]

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Bihar Solar Energy Policy

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Any Industry, Institution, Private Agency, Partnership Firm, Consortia, Panchayat, Cooperative or Registered Society. INCENTIVES All New and Renewable Energy projects will be entitles for benefits, available as notified from time to time, under the policies of the Central/State government. All New and Renewable Energy projects shall be entitled to avail the facilities available […]

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Karnataka Solar Energy Policy

Karnataka Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The solar installation target has been changed from 2,000 MW to 6,000 MW by March 2021 as per the amendments to Karnataka Solar Policy 2014-2021 were announced. The changes were made to reflect the new tariff policy and targets fixed for the state by the MNRE. The current installed […]

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Goa Solar Energy Policy

OBJECTIVE To help India produce Green Power & get involved in Climate Control. To empower the electricity consumer to participate in the development of the Power Sector and to become a producer of electricity while remaining as a Consumer also i.e. be proactively involved in the development of the Power Sector and be a “Prosumer” […]

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Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy

Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy Updates 2017 The new fixed tariff of Rs. 3.93 (~$0.06)/kWh as the generic tariff levelised for 25 years for solar PV projects excluding accelerated depreciation (AD) has been announced by the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in October 2017. The fixed AD component is fixed at Rs. 0.27 (~$0.004)/kWh making the […]

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